Theatrical Muse: Inspired by the holiday mistletoe

Jan 14, 2007 03:14

Inspired by the holiday mistletoe: Talk about a memorable (or unexpected) kiss at a holiday party.


Although she knew Alexander's phone number, she knew better than to call as between Uncle Gustav and the boys, no one would give her any peace long enough to accept Alexander's New Year's invitation by phone.

Instead, Sophie decided to accept in person. While making the excuse of wanting to see some of her old friends, she had the perfect opportunity to go to Lucard Industries and accept in person.

She went into the familiar building where she was surprised to be greeted by a security officer. In the past, she had always been able to walk straight back to the elevator, but not today.

"May I help you?" asked the burly security guard.

"Yes, I need to see Alexander Lucard," she replied

"Is he expecting you?"

"I hope he is. I received an invitation from him yesterday and I figured I would stop by with my response."

"Can I see some ID please?" he asked although it was clear Sophie was already looking for it.

She said handed him both her ID and the card which the young delivery boy brought to the Helsing home the day before.

"Very good, please sign this visitor's log and you are free to go to the elevator. It's down the hall and to the left."

"Thank you," she said and she continued on her way to the elevator and up to floor which held the vampire's office.

The elevator's doors opened and Sophie went to Greta's desk.

"Miss Metternich? Come in. Mr. Lucard told me that you might be stopping by. I hope the security officer didn't give you much trouble?," Greta said, "Mr. Helsing made a new attempt on Mr. Lucard's life hence some additional security measures."

"No they didn’t give me much trouble at all," Sophie said, but was curious as to which Mr. Helsing Greta referred to, either Uncle Gustav or Klaus, but decided it didn’t matter.

"Mr. Lucard? Miss Metternich is here to see you," she said on the intercom.

It seemed like only a few seconds before Alexander was at his door beckoning her in.

His office looked as it usually did. There was no real reason for Alexander to deck out for holidays that celebrated births of religious figures, nor for those that celebrated the end of one year and the birth of a new.

"Ah, Sophie. It is good to see you. I assume you received my invitation?"

"Yes, I came to give you my answer. I didn't want to call with the boys around, so I wanted to accept in person."

"I thought as much. I am glad you can make it. I will send a hired car for you at 6:30 sharp. Unfortunately, I have a meeting in just a few minutes. I was hoping that you could indulge an old vampire in a kiss before you go?"

"Why Alexander, I would be delighted, but I don't see any mistletoe," Sophie said coyly.

"Well it just so happens I have some right here," he said as he pulled a patch of green from some hidden pocket and leaned close, "I always keep one just for emergencies."

While they kissed under that patch of green, the world seemed to fade away.


Muse: Sophie Metternich

Fandom: Dracula the Series

Words: 537
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