If it all went the way you wanted it to...

May 15, 2006 17:39

If it all went the way I wanted it to, there would be world peace. And there would be no orphans or poverty. And everybody would be equal and racism would be abolished and yadda-yadda-yadda.

Okay, enough with the Miss America speech. I'm not Miss America. I'm Ms. Marvel.

But seriously, here's the thing. I never lived up to my full potential as a hero. Not really. M-Day showed me that well, and I guess I can partially thank Wanda Maximoff - the Scarlet Witch - for that, despite all the havoc she's wreaked in general thanks to M-Day. I mean, I call myself Ms. Marvel, and I have these awesome powers that would make a lot of the more C-grade or D-list heroes jealous, but instead of really utilizing them and doing major good with them, I sort of slacked off and never really took any direction with my life, unlike my M-Day self. I stayed on the B-list, and let me tell you, being on the B-list is not fun. I mean, try saving an airplane from plunging to death and having no one thank you beause they don't know your name. It doesn't instill a lot of reassurance in you.

If it all went that way I wanted it to...if it all goes the way I want it to know, things will be different. I'm trying hard to carve a new name for myself. Alright, well, not a new name, considering I've also gone by Binary and Captain Marvel and Warbird before coming back to the Ms. Marvel moniker. I'd carve a new reputation for myself. I'd live up to the name Ms. Marvel. But I want to be in the big leagues, and I know I can make it there. I have that potential in me. I mean, the X-Man known as Rogue once took away my powers, and look at how awesome she was with them. She made a name for herself in that team. Who says I can't do the same? Not join the X-Men, but make a real name for myself.

The other day, Captain America asked me to join the latest incarnation of the Avengers. I declined. Why? Because he offered me the membership because I'm me. I don't want that. I don't want to be asked into the Avengers because of who I am. I want to be asked in because of what I am. I want to be asked in because I'm one hell of a hero, not just because I have a history with the Avengers. The Avengers need to be the best of the best, and I can't join them until I'm exactly that. I can't be that until I'm the woman I was in the M-Day reality.

And if things go my way, that will happen really soon. And maybe then I can start the Miss America speeches.

Muse: Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Fandom: Ms. Marvel
Words: 481

deviant muses

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