if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it

Oct 02, 2009 09:40

Meme involving the selection of five fandoms and the answering of questions snagged from caeseria. Because I have nothing better to do with my time.

1. Godchild
2. Cantarella
3. Saiyuki
4. DOGS: Bullets and Carnage
5. Vampire Knight


complete madness, memeness, anime/manga

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ms_legerdemain October 3 2009, 05:44:39 UTC
I recall a very intense discussion of the symbolism of Jizabel giving Cain his necklace/crucific thingamajig...now I want to reread them as well. :p Actually, I've been meaning to copy and paste it all into word and word count it to see just how much we wrote about it, because I suspect it's going to be a hell of a lot.

By the way, I can't remember, have you read Cantarella? Because if you haven't...you should. Seriously. It ranks right up there with Godchild on my favourite manga list, and is right up with it with the angst/hot boys/shounen-ai. If you have read it then I'm an idiot for not remembering.

I might try Loveless if I'm really bored one day. I just really hate shota overtones, even if it's only subtle and implied (this is why I stopped watching/reading Kuroshitsuji...that and the fact the plot sort of died). And lol, yes, keep those fingers crossed. I kept the fingers crossed with Kuro but eventually the implications got the better of me. The fandom was also fairly into the shota, which was off puttieng. Just...no, people. Ciel is twelve. TWELVE.

Oh those fond memories. On occasion I'll go back and read the Mystic's Ball threads where Tanya and I were RPing me and Spike. Good times. Though this year we were dissapointingly quiet...damn uni ran roughshod over my time and I was sick as well. Curses. Maybe next year...

On the plus side, us not RPing meant the PG fairies didn't descend to slaughter us.


ragingfirefall October 3 2009, 08:39:08 UTC
So, after reading your awesome fic last night, I buckled and reread the first page of the thread. Oh, the anguish. We really are were traumatised. Yeah, we theorised a bit on what the cross meant, since we'd been convinced it held poison and then were confused when it apparently turned out to be nothing more than symbolic. There were also more AU versions of the characters than I remembered - at one stage we were musing on how things would have been if Cain had turned out like Jizabel and vice versa, a discussion in which The Jizabel Saga with Psycho!Cain as antagonist was born. XD

I'd love to see a wordcount - I think we wrote something like a thousand words each in the space of three days. Probably more. I love venting, fangirl-style - it's oddly relaxing.

Ah, Cantarella. *looks guilty* It looks so good, but I keep putting off reading it because I'm spoilered for the later chapters and it sounds so bloody frustrating! I haven't even read it and I want to strangle Lucrezia and Chiaro! And maybe give Cesare a bitch-slap, but I'm more inclined to be lenient on him. I was also hesitant to start it while it was on hiatus - but I've heard she's resuming it again soon?

Ah, Kuroshitsuji. Apparently they're doing a second season now, which makes me wonder if they're not going to do a time-jump. It would be a total digression from the manga (I think. I stopped reading it a while ago too, mostly because I got bored with the plot as well), but I gather the second half of the first season was anyway. I'd totally watch it for Seb/Ciel action if Ciel was of a reasonable age. Till then, I agree: no pairings with children, kthnx.

Heh, I think the RP fairies have come to make a special exception (I'd say they turn a blind eye, but I seem to recall moments where they joined the rest of us in watching with popcorn, so...) for the BIF/Spike scenes. (Don't you like how you're a pairing now? I spend too much time in fandom. Everything must have a slash now in all senses of the word. :P)


ms_legerdemain October 4 2009, 22:57:29 UTC
Oh, The Jizabel Saga would be pretty awesome as well. With Cassian as the Riff substitute. XD I mean, much as I love Cain, he would have been a pretty awesome villain. And Jizabel would make a great anti-hero. I mean, let's face it, Cain walks the razor's edge. He did let whatever her name was, the girl in the Alice in Wonderland story, get decapitated without so much as blinking an eyebrow. Admittedly she had killed someone, but still. Cold.

Venting fangirl-style is like my therapy. :p You can just rant wildly and unabashedly, and nobody calls you for it. It's great.

It's pretty frustrating, but it's probably worth it. Lucrezia and Chiaro are very frustrating (and yeah, Ces could probably do with a slap at times, but he's damaged so I forgive him), but it's still an awesome series. And there are a few wicked volumes before the Chiaro/Lucrezia thing starts to really become a major plot point. Also, as Chiaro and Lucrezia become more annoyinh, Ces's hair gets longer and more awesome, which almost makes up for it. :p

I thought Ciel died at the end of the first season. :p Shows how much I know. I really loved the Jack the Ripper arc, it's a pity the India arc was so...bad. Yeah, I said it. Bad. I too would be SO THERE for the Seb/Ciel pairing if he were older. Come on, Ciel. Be 16 already. Then it's no longer illegal. And creepy.

Tehe, I like being an exception. :p And yes, I love that we're a pairing. Does this mean we have shippers? It's a good thing Angel wasn't there too much...I might have let my Spangel fangirliness shine through. Fandom does that to a girl. I ship everyone in everything now. It's a problem. Though I'm not into Real Person Slash/Pairings...yet...

Except Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer but that's because they're awesome.


ragingfirefall October 5 2009, 08:11:26 UTC
Victoria, I think? Something, well, Victorian, anyway. :P Yeah, I think that was one of the reasons we picked up the possibility of Psycho!Cain and went with it: because, basically, Cain's psycho already. We're just inclined to overlook it more because he's the protagonist. :P In a lot of ways, he is one of the bad guys; it's only because we see more of his vulnerable moments that we think of him as more human than the antagonists. But I still wouldn't want to be one of his enemies, I've gotta say.

This is reminding me of yet more discussions in the thread, in which we expressed some concern over how much reading manga brought out our love of long-haired, homicidal men we wouldn't go anywhere near in RL...but it's a healthy process of catharsis, right? Right?

So I read the series for the hair? XD Well, that's not really unusual in my reading experience these days. Why does waist-length hair in RL men put me off, but waist-length hair on bishies make me fangirl? Oh, right, because bishies = <3. I almost forgot for a second there.

Heh, to be honest, I don't know exactly what happened at the end of the first series. I still haven't seen the last few episodes. I heard he'd died too, but then I heard about the new season. Wondering how the hell that worked, unless they featured Seb with a new master or something, I consulted the omniscient being that is Wikipedia. As far as I can tell, it ends with Seb leaning in to take Ciel's soul, but doesn't actually show him getting it. So I guess that leaves an opening for them to cheat and start the next season with Seb leaping back and announcing "Oh, actually, I've changed my mind. Let's jump forward five years and get married instead."

It really would not surprise me if you had shippers by this point. I'd suggest BIF/Spike fic, maybe with Angel getting jealous in the background, but I guess that's what the RPGs are, technically...

Fandom has ruined me for plot. If I don't have a pairing to ship within two chapters of anything fictional, chances are high I'll get bored. Anyone would think I was reading for shippery, rather than to learn about the world and improve my mind. How sad.


ms_legerdemain October 9 2009, 06:23:44 UTC
Lol, Victoria sounds about right. You're right, I suppose Cain gets lucky because he's a lot saner by direct comparison than Alexis, and he doesn't gouge anyone's eyes out. :p I also think Cain himself is very much aware of how close he is to being a villain, and perhaps the difference between him and Jizabel is that he has people like Riff and Merry to keep him sane, and give him a reason to try and stay sane. Whereas more Jizabel never really had much of a chance.

*is ranting again*

It is totally a healthy process of catharsis. I mean, getting it all out online will keep us from falling for them in RL. I hope. This is what I tell myself, at least. :p

Yes, read it for the hair. XD And yeah, don't forget that. Nobody in RL can do bishie hair. Except for this one male super model whose name escapes me, who has the sexiest, waist length red hair ever. Seriously, he looks like a manga boy drawn by Yuu Higuri who somehow came out of the page to walk the catwalk. :p

ROFL at "Oh, actually, I've changed my mind. Let's jump forward five years and get married instead." I actually started laughing like a loon at my computer screen. That'd be charming. Grell could be best (wo)man for them. :p He'd so cry all the way through the service.

Tehe, I have shippers. Or BIF has shippers. She's been quiet lately. RL stress sends her scurrying to the back of my mind to hide. *pets her* There there, dear.

Oh, tell me about it. These days I'm trying to find a nice balance between Reputable Literary Works and Trash With Hot Men, but it's difficult. The Reputable Literary Works WITH Hot Men are my favourites. XD


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