♠ This is what happens when you buy cheap imported anime from Melbourne - Disc 3 decides it just won't play on the DVD player. I was quite upset. Especially as it was Disc 3 of Darker Than Black which, despite the fact it keeps me in a perpetual state of confusion, is completely awesome. Seirously. Watch it. WATCH IT. Cool characters, lots of great
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SenBasa XDD.. Haha. You're right, it totally doesn't make sense, but makes up for that in hot guys who run around fighting with swords.
Huh, that's the second rec I've heard for Bus Gamer in the last week. It's really that good?
The characters are interesting, and the fight scenes are in my opinion very well drawn. It also has some hilarious moments. So yes, it's great. Not my favourite series ever, but still certainly worth a read. And a reread.
SenBasa...I have given up on the plot. I don't care. As long as the boys with swords are there, I will keep reading. :p
ASN = ♥ I will be eternally grateful to you for reccing it to me aaaaaages ago. I love Sou. *pets him*
You wouldn't happen to know where I could download it would you? Like... a complete volume download place?
It's why I'm a big fan of reccing manga around, you find the best stuff that way.
Eeeeeh, I really don't know, sorry. I'll have a hunt tomorrow if I get a chance. I bought it in volume form, you see, so I haven't really had cause to find it online, and from past experience Minekura-sensei's works can be a bit hard to find (lord knows why).
Got any recs for me at the moment? I feel like something...different. Possibly with generous dollops of actions. Or something random and quirky like ASN.
Hmmm- different aye? I don't think I'm reading anything with heaps of chapters currently for you to get into. Ikigami's pretty different (and psychological too) but there's not too much out of that and it's a bit.... weird. Amatsuki, have you read that? That's gorgeous and awesome. Drifters....? well, that's 5 chapters but looks like it's going to be really action based (and omg Nobunaga). Haha. Madness. Try that? That's action and quite odd concept wise. Ok- I clearly am hopeless right now. Take a look at the Baka-Updates pages for those ones I guess.
The entire volume of Bus Gamer is here at MangaFox
You will get hooked and then annoyed that is no more for now....hopefully she will get back to it soon! She has talked about it ;)
Thanks anyway~
I've heard of Amatsuki, I'll have to hunt it down. Ditto Drifters. Thankyou. ♥ Otherwise I'm going to continue my current trend of just reading crappy shoujo. :p
(Oh, and have you read Godchild yet. BECAUSE YOU SHOULD. It has eeeeeverything. Psychological drama, action, angst, cool things with Victoriana/dark romanticism/gothic romance/tarot cards, bishies...it wins. XD)
I can't help pimping it. It's like a complex I have.
Yes. Do. Amatsuki's seriously amazing. Drifters too. (Wait... current trend of crappy shoujo? Oh dear, that's really sad news. We should make you stop that).
(Umm... not yet. Haha. You managed to pimp it well enough to me that I downloaded it, but not well enough that I've read it yet. Oh god. It's on a list of manga to read. I have a list. I WILL READ IT).
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