
Feb 01, 2008 08:27

    Analog is derived from the latin word 'ana' meaning according to and 'logos' meaning report.  Although, the first documented devices that used analog such as the clock is very significant to the progression of our society. Charles Babbage's invention in 1823 of the Difference Engine, was the first computer  in the 19th century that automatically computed mathematical tables. For example, the mortality rates for  1824 could be computed through statistical system. Babbage's inspirations originated from Joseph Jacquard 's mechanical loom which is portrayed as the first computer in 1801. The mechanical loom functioned by a system of binary operations. For example a punch card  system implemented on this analog device worked by  matching the type of design and/or color fabric  that was being woven first to determine how the textile was made.
    Another invention  by Charles Babbage was the Analytical Engine in 1840. Although, the device was never made. It was carefully planned and Babbage did many lectures on this particular theorized analog device. The device had three parts the control barrel, the mill( arithmetic part) and the storage ( the central processing unit). The machine worked as a calculator.  The interest in computing devices was very significant  to the 19th century, especially for individuals such as Herman Halloerith. He worked on the tabulating machine for figuring out  the census in 1840. He was inspired by this idea of how the system was used to punch tickets and he was able to apply that method to the tabulating machine.  
    So, what can we take away from this. First and foremost, none of our current inventions could be possible without the inspiration from the analog technology. These methods inspired many inventors and the establishment  of companies such as IBM, which is still thriving today. 