Man Flu Alert! UPDATE 3.55 pm

May 19, 2009 11:20

SammyHubby has developed the following Man Flu symptoms: sniffles; sore throat; tiredness; headache. While this may be no more than a Common Cold, there is a high likelihood of it developing into a full blown case of Man Flu or the slightly less virulent but equally debilitating Man Cold.

Unfortunately he seems to have given it to me too - ar at least the Common Cold part. I can feel teh beginings of a scratchy throat and sniffly nose lurking. I hope it holds off until after my job interview tonight.  I have been half expecting it for a few weeks now - I usually get sick around late autumn/early winter, then again in early spring. And to be frank, I’m happy to legitimately use up my sick leave before my departure, as I cannot take it with me.

I realised yesterday I was so caught up in my tale of (perceived) woe, I forgot to mention the lovely weekend we had. Sat we had breakfast out, bought some albums and DVDs at JB Hi-Fi, and did groceries. Then I went to bed with a book, and after my little nap, we had a scrummy dinner al la Sammyhubby. We caught the 9.30 pm session of Star Trek, which I quite enjoyed, although I’m not sure how I feel about the new direction the film takes.

Sunday we slept in, having sat up watching TV until the wee hours (maybe coffee at 9.30 pm to stay awake it the movie isn’t the best plan ever), and after breakfast and Sunday morning TV we did little bit of housework. In the afternoon/evening we went to the Bombers game and were treated to the dulcet tones of our fellow supporter’s constant inane commentary and ‘encouragement’. Usually she sits down low near to the goals, “where you can influence the game by cheering”. With any luck we won’t run into her again, since we prefer top be up on level 3 and able to see the entire game, follow the tactics etc. I suppose that’s the thing about footy, it’s accessible to everyone, no matter how dopey they are. My favourite cheers from her include: “C’mon Bombers, Defend!” “Tackle!” when the player has a kick awarded to him and cannot be tackled and “Pick it up!” when our player was already holding the ball.

We had hot chips on the way home. They were good.
Update: Sam saw the doctor and has been diagnosed with a throat infection. He is at home with antibiotics, chicken soup and Strepsils.

rambling, sammyhubby, life, jobhunting

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