It’s not that I lack of things to write on ( I've had a cake disaster, two birthdays, a London commute-route debacle where I encountered an extremely ‘gay’ fetishy bloke who is now on the look out to make me his faghag or is possibly not gay at all & wants to shag/sub or dom me, one fab & detrimentally inspiring afternoon at the Affordable Art fair, my waterpump on the boat spilling water everywhere, making my boat tilt to the left from water in the hull & me thus sleeping on my extra bed, two excellent club nights, a hangover from Mescal, a person who completely made me blubber by being the first person to be honest to me on a matter, listen to a taxi driver instructing my company in how to endear oneself to a lady like me, deflect invite texts sent by said weird ‘gay’ fetishy bloke, and finally a very nice Strada meal & drink with a friend ), but I’m just kinda uninspired… with exception of the fact that my workmate Bernie sent me this pic yesterday:
Upon which I recalled a friend’s cat who always drink from the kitchen tap & Elfy‘s fab sink-pic of her cat, so I had to go to google images and input ‘Cat’ and ‘Sink’, getting some prime pics:
Hopefully that might put a smile on today! :-)
*with a small apology to those for whome images of cats does nothing ~ feel free to bypass!