A friend put up a link to a marvellous (& somewhat dry)
blog regarding hyped up 'breast cancer awareness' games on FB - i.e. the ones where you post something obscure which is to refer to your handbag/underwear colour or sexual preference (this somehow expected to mysteriously affect men so much they'll want to engage in the cause... surely?
Read more... )
Comments 8
I have joined a petition group, but I have currently suspended any monetary giving because I am so uncertain where I can give without it being misspent. I really badly would like to give towards starvation (I saw some horrible pictures a year ago which really took my breath away), but that is the most corrupt of all - just a fraction reaches these people. I mean, how disturbing is it that Haitians are still waiting to get the monetary help that was given a year ago ( ... )
I like to think that petitions *might* do some good, at least its a public notice of support or opposition for a cause. However, this is also a victim off too much bandwagon jumping. People rush to sign stuff to feel morally worthy without reading into the background of the situation, which I think devalues the impact of a petition.
The forestry thing being a good example - I was amazed by the comments of some people on FB, just how ill informed people were (ie thinking we were going to loose all our National Parks, which are absolutely nothing to do with the Forestry Commission!)
So yes, I do sign petitions if it is for something I believe in but not without checking the facts first.
Petitions is a bit hit & miss, but at least it's a way to draw attention to things and highlight that there is a concern. That said I am probably guilty of not always knowing the full background - although I am careful not to profess more than what I do know. For me it always seems a complete gamble releasing anything to the private sector, no matter the assurances given; I'd like things to stay in government hands as much as possible. I may have precious little trust in them, but I have even less trust in private interests!
I totally agree that it creates a false sense in people they have done something, when they really haven't. The problem is that being the person who points that out, means you become a person that is 'uncomfortable' to be around - most people don't really want to lose the sensation that they have done something good. But deep down I think we all know the apathy that is very much the sign of our times; I feel like I have to battle my own on a regular basis. But I will disagree with you on the political parties though: I do genuinely feel there's little point in voting - but this is more due to the promises made not being kept. I seriously believe a law should be put in place which stops parties from deserting their promises without some form of penalty imposed; that would kick start people's interest in politics ( ... )
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