Nov 14, 2006 12:24
I don't even know why i still have this silly account anymore.... but i'm typing in it anyway.
The 27th is going to be my first day in the new department at work i've been hoping to move into, change always makes me a little nervous, but i'm really looking forward to this. the job itself suits me, and its something that will offer tremendous potential for growth assuming i stick around in the company for the next few years. right now i can either do my job, or become a supervisor in a few years... which isn't necessarily something that i'm interested in at all right now, too much shit to handle in their position, and the department i'm leaving might as well be a daycare.
I'm now certain to have christmas off, along with every weekend and will actually be able to *use* my vacation time... i have 2 weeks left for this year that i haven't touched and can't even schedule to use because everytime they're telling me that they're too short staffed to give me those days off (which i've earned, mind you)... i had to miss new orleans with mike this past weekend, which we've been planning for months.
i had to drop my classes due to the new schedule (but for several extra thousand a year, i'll take that), but plan to take another 9 credit hours next semester, and maybe a few more over the summer. i was hoping to have my associates by the time mike graduates so i could focus on my degree a little more rather than constantly worry about work... but with a regular 9-5, i can manage my time much better than with this funky schedule i've been dealing with for the past 8 months.
i'm so proud of mike... i have to be the luckiest girl in the world. we've been living together for a little over a month now, and will be finishing the lease together... from there, we'll see where time takes us. I love living in the loop, our roomates and neighbors are great, and there's no better feeling to come home every night to the man you love.
he's been working hard focusing entirely on this last year of school... considering how many classes he's taking, homework, studying, and thesises take up alot of his time. he's also working as a ta, and doing an outside design project for a company that's building mechanical lifting drawers for the disabled. his brilliance inspires me, i can't wait to see where all of this will take him after this spring.
other than this, not alot's going on in my life... when i have the time to chill, i shop and drink wine alot... thrilling, i know.
that's about all i've got for this entry, expect to hear from me again in the next 6 months