Apr 06, 2006 12:31
i found the menaing of my last name... vivion. alive.
ironic, huh?
considering i'm the last living decendant on my dad's side of the family with that name... which won't even be brought down for generations when i'm married and have kids.
less than two months until my sweetness leaves me for his euro-asian adventure. i don't know what i'll do without my porkchop :(
i'm enrolling for summer classes, 3 weeks of yoga and 8 weeks of retard math... between that and full-time work i should manage to keep myself pretty busy.
i have a shitload of papers, final projects, and tests to worry about for now... but i'm pretty confident my grades'll be just fine at the end of the semester.
still, i don't know what to do with myself sometimes, i have a good direction of where i'm headed, i just don't know where the hell it's going to take me. sometime this summer i really need to decide where i'm going to transfer to. the human services managment degree is veeeeeeeery appealing, especially considering that AAA (my employer) will pay 80% of my tuition because it's directly related to my job... and i'm still considering the nursing route.
mike's graduating with his double major in aero/mechanical engineering next spring, we thought he may have to wait until winter 2007, but he's gonna manage to get it done sooner than later... and if the case is, considering we're still together (which we both have every intention to be)... that he relocates for work, he'll be dragging my happy ass with him. oi. if i only had a fucking clue what to anticipate.