Unfortunate misspeak

Jul 04, 2006 13:06

I was watching the Discovery launch this morning, and the CBC announcer said that "By all accounts, this looks like a successful launch of the Challenger space shuttle... er... rather, that is, the Discovery" You can tell where his mind was! So was mine, I gotta say. I remember so clearly that morning. I was home sick from school watching soap operas, and they interrupted with the launch, annoying me to no end (I was young and stupid, forgive me). But I watched it because somewhere in me, I knew it was cool. :) Anyway, it took off, then exploded, and I thought that it was supposed to happen like that, that something was going to keep going from it. And then I realized, and my stomach just sunk like a rock. And the announcer was just an idiot. I had to turn it off because he was making me so mad, suggesting that they could have survived and shit.

Anyway, it's off, and last I saw, the Discovery looks like it had a successful launch.


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