My New year

Jan 10, 2008 21:43

So December 31st I woke up at 4 am thinking why on earth was I wake. I didn't need to pee, I wasn't tired, yet there I was laying awake. So I got out of bed and though, hey i'll go sit on the toliet. Maybe I do have to go. So I sit there, and nothing goes on, so I wipe, and omg blood. What the fucks going on. So I wake Josh up, and he of course doesn't know what to do, so I wake my mother up, she had just come down, and she says call the hospital. Then at about 4:30 the pains hit me. We call the hospital, they tell us to come in, and we head in, all the while the pains getting more and more painful. We get to the hosptial, they send me up to the fourth floor and hook me up to monitors for the babies heart rate and my measuring my contractions. They keep asking me if I want an epidural, and for about an hour or more I say no no i'll be fine. Finally they start to get too painful and we head to the delivery room. They get the epidural set and wait and wait. Finally they put the epidural in and in about 20 mins I start to feel the effect of it, and feel much better. No pain. Normally you're still suppose to feel pressure, but I didn't. So I got a really good epidural. My doctor comes in around 8 am, and breaks my water for me since it didn't happen on it's own. Eww, is all I have to say for that. It's like your peeing and it just doesn't stop. Just keeps flowing and flowing. I started dilating fast and finally around 4ish pm they get me to start pushing. HOLY SHIT. That hurt like a son of a bitch. No buttering it up here. It seriously hurt me. Haha, a babies head isn't small. I can tell you that. I thought I was dieing. Then again, I am a baby when it comes to most types of pain. The main thing that was freaking me out though was the fact that I just couldn't catch my breath fully. Finally at 5:24 pm Karlee Grace Andriet was born. They didn't place her on my chest right away because they had to make sure she was alright, since she had gone to the bathroom while in me. So they had to make sure she hadn't swallowed any of it. They also checked to make sure she didn't have downs syndrom. Which she doesn't. Such a relief. Finally they give her to me and I'm just soo happy. For the life of me though, I wasn't cring.. My mother was crying, Josh was crying. I was just so aw shocked. I couldn't believe that after all this pain, Karlee was now laying on me. She wasn't inside me any longer, she was on me.. In the real world. Finally after watching her in her fathers arms I broke down crying. It is a feeling I can't even explain. The best!

After a shower and her first feeding, we headed up to the room i'd be staying in while at the hospital. We watched her get her first bath and then I fed her again. We were sharing a room with one other woman, and her baby was on it's second day of birth, which ment he didn't stop crying. Oddly enough though, we all slept through it. Or at least Karlee and I did. Family came and visited while we were there. I had so many different nurses while there and they all had different opinions. I seriously wanted to smack one of them over the head though. Not the smartest woman. We were suppose to stay for three days, but after the second day and all the damn nurses, Josh and I went home. Had a pretty good sleep. We had to wake Karlee up every three hours. I bet if we had left her, she'd have slept through the whole night. My Mother and Josh's Mother where there, so we had some help. They cooked and all that fun stuff.

After a while I felt like I had to go number two, but for the life of me couldn't. I was on stoll softners, which all woman are told to take because apprently your first bowl movement is to hurt like a son of a gun. The next day I still hadn't gone so Josh and I sat in the bath for two hours doing the same pushes I was doing to give birth, yet I still couldn't go. Finally four/five days after that I still hadn't gone and I now had a fever. We went into a small clinic and the doctor there wanted to go and see if my bowls were soft or hard. He checked and sure enough they were hard. So he proceeded to try to take it out by hand. Which hurt like a fucking bitch! I had given birth once, I didn't need to again. So they sent me to the hospital and put my under. I woke about ten to twenty mins later. They had cleaned me out. We went home and later that night I had two movements all by myself. Trust me, it's a great feeling to be able to go to the bathroom on my own again. HAHA, never thought i'd be so happy over something simple like that eh. =D

So then tuesday we went to the doctors for a check up and she told me that my first layer of stitching had come undone and that they wouldn't stitch it back up, it would have to heal on it's own, and that it would take another week or two of healing extra. *sigh*. Karlee is doing great. Her health is great, and she's just the most awsome little girl any one could ask for.

Well that's it so far. YAY. haha.
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