Aug 26, 2005 12:53
Last night Melissa and I went to see my Aunt in the hospital. This is the aunt that was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer last year around this time. She has since been diagnosed with brain cancer (if you can believe that) due to the cancer in her lungs migrating to her esophagus and up to her brain.
They began radiation on her brain about two months ago and most of the clusters are now gone. (I over heard my Uncle last night telling someone on the phone that the pictures they saw of her brain prior to the treatment showed so many clusters a person could lose count.) The bad news is since she's had all 10 of her lifetime doses she will no longer receive treatment for the brain cancer. Which is okay with her because she says, "unless I am having symptoms there's really no more need to stop the treatment of my lungs for my brain. Since they started the radiation for her brain they had to stop fighting the tumors in her lungs which resulted in the tumors getting bigger.
A set-back happened however on Tuesday night; she was admitted to the ER after having a small heart-attack. When we saw her last night I just could not get over how wonderful she looked. Her spirits were up and her eyes were bright. I mean this is a woman who has in-operable lung cancer, breast cancer and now brain cancer. Yet even with all of that she still manages to be funny and charming and warm. I love her! She is an inspiration and a hero! Plain and simple. She has more courage than anyone I know and for that I love her even more.
It makes you realize how much we don't know about life. When a person facing death can look you in the eye and still smile from deep down within her soul you know that there is so much more you could be doing in your own life. I have so much faith now that I've seen her. I wish that all of her pain and suffering could be taken away.*sigh* Please if you read this, just take a moment to send her your good vibes.