Mar 08, 2014 20:22
I'm pretty sure I mentioned that my antibiotic has been tearing up my stomach, right? I mean, between the way my stomach feels and the fact that it's given me diarrhea I've lost 3lbs, maybe more, since Tuesday. It's not fun, but I can live with it.
Add into that the residual soreness from grouting the kitchen floor on Tuesday, and the tiredness in my eyes from the frontal sinus infection, and I'm not overburdened with energy lately. So my big plan for the day was to take a short nap, and then do a final edit on my story before submitting it to the fest mods. Easy, right?
If you can't read about vomit skip the next paragraph.
I tried to rest. I really did, but the best I could do was a doze. I thought it was because my kids were too loud or something. Until right before my hour was up, that is. I found myself mentally fighting a physical reaction. I lost, of course. I gave in to the inevitable and started heading to the bathroom just as my alarm went off. I foolishly turned around to shut it off because things weren't urgent yet. They got that way soon and I had to move it, move it to hit my intended target. I spent a while kneeling as I literally lost my lunch.
You can resume reading now.
I'm going to stop taking the antibiotics and call my doctor on Monday for new ones. There is no way I can make it through five more days of this. I mean, maybe if I lost another 5 pounds... But, no. I really can't.
And all of this means my story remains unedited. I had to drop a note saying I can't do it until tomorrow. I feel too awful to attempt sitting in front of a screen for even the short hour or two I have left.
I also should be glad the vet rescue didn't call me to make an appointment to come out yet. Today seemed perfect since we were all home, but I wouldn't have made it.
I'm not going to say my life is without its positives right now. I'm getting stuff done despite having things pretty much implode on me in January. I just could do without the universe continually throwing crap in my way, you know? I'd enjoy my victories a lot more if they didn't happen in the midst of all this shit.
Still, I suppose I shouldn't complain. The past couple of months haven't been normal for me. There are people living with this kind of struggle every day. I'm a very fortunate person, really.
via ljapp