Hey all,
This weekend has been a good and bad one, the good is that I had my school orientation and this is REAL!!!! I will be going to culinary school. But I did have second thoughts about which program that I am entering. I just want to COOK you know? Don't get me wrong, I love the baking aspect of it, in fact, baking is one of my passions...but I also want to do savoy as well. One of the people who was helping me carry all of my "crap" to my car had mentioned that they had vegan students, who had others tasting their foods....that got me to thinking...maybe I could do that after I finish the baking program, but do I want to carry another 45K loan? In addition to the ones that I am carrying now? Since, baking is my passion, I will take this one step at a time.
Who knows, if I meet a sugar daddy (LAWL), maybe *he* could finance that aspect....NOT! :D
All the crap that I got were, 5 uniforms....coats, pants, hats, neckerchiefs, aprons and towels, a pair of shoes and what felt like 50lbs of books! Also like a tiny luggage carryon bag of a tool kit!
Tool Kit
The bad, my uncle has been removed from life support today, I don't want to talk about it too much....just to say that I am sad about it, but my main concern are my mother and my grandmother.....to have a child go before the parent I believe is the worse pain in the world and my grandmother, with her heath....this will not be good.
Please keep my family in your prayers.
<3 Gwyn