Oooookay. Lots to talk about guys. First of all...
Over a month ago, Kevin finished the company (like, the company I work for, my dad's company) website and we were all thrilled to finally have an updated, professional website. Shortly after it went live, Dale and I attended the MOSO (Mobile & Social Media) Conference and Dale went to a Let-Us-Judge-Your-Website session. They had the website up on a projection screen and the website was large and wonky and didn't look good. So Dale was immediately all, "Let's change it." While he was talking to me about what we can do to make it even better, the new guy Jared came over. I recently hired Jared to do the graphics department stuff as well as some mundane tasks around the office. Here's the conversation that went down.
Dale: I'd like to make the carousel smaller.
Jared: Well, what I would do is just re-make the website.
Whitney: What.
Dale: You can do that?
Jared: Yeah, sure.
Dale: How long would it take?
Jared: ... Umm, a day and a half.
Dale: So by the end of this week, you'll have recreated the website.
Jared: Yup.
Naturally I'm horrified. Not only has this guy claimed to be able to rebuild a website that my fiance built in a day and half, but he also has apparently convinced Dale that this will actually happen. Dale agrees and Jared gets to work. I consider quitting at that exact moment, then take a deep breath and try to go about the day without punching several different people in the face. When I get home, I rant. And Kevin laughs hysterically at Jared claiming to be able to build this website in A DAY AND A HALF. I'm offended by both my dad & Jared, since they both repeatedly insulted my fiance and his work in their stupid little conversation. For the next week, work is hell.
Fast forward FOUR WEEKS. That's number FOUR. Like, 4. Four weeks. Jared has finally claimed to be done the website and ready to switch it over. I am horrified, again, that Dale has allowed this to go on for this long. Jared is still cocky as shit. (WTF?) He claims there will be no downtime, but the website went down first thing this morning and is still not functioning properly. Not to mention it now looks like an amateur website again. So yay we had a professional, sleek looking website for a total of one month. GOOD FOR US.
That's one current situation in my life. SECOND SITUATION.
Two weeks ago, I had my wedding shower & bachelorette party weekend. Besides feeling ill from a mixture of alcochol & nerves, I had the BEST TIME EVER. Lots of delicious food and friends and laughs and drunken dancing. It was amazing. I was attempting to recuperate on Sunday when I get a call from my mom. My dad has just returned from his college reunion weekend and has told my mom that he is leaving her. Again. My first words, "Oh for fucks sake." I don't love talking about this subject (which is why I've put this off for so long, plus I haven't told any of my close friends yet) just because the whole situation is so annoying. All I will say is that all of my sisters are thoroughly pissed off at my dad for jerking around my mom so much and just want nothing to do with it. He has recently decided that he will stay after all, but is living in the basement and is saying that he will attend therapy. Frankly, until he sits us all down and admits what a dink he has been and apologizes over and over again, I could care less what he says he will do.
Since working for said dink has become more and more difficult lately, I am considering other work. At first I thought about my skills and where I could get a job with said skills. However, my education outside of high school is one year of Bible College, so I'm not necessarily bursting with madskillz. I do have experience though, and I must have some sort of passion... And then it came to me. I have always loved working with other women to help them realize how beautiful they are and help them gain some confidence. It angers me when women aren't encouraging to one another and don't support each other. I want every woman to realize how beautiful she is EVERYWHERE! Yaaaay apparently I've become a bit of a feminist.
Anywho. Now I'm thinking, "Screw skills! Where can I get a job that let's me live out my passion!?" I immediately think of this place in Saskatoon called The Princess Shop. This is a non-profit organization that gives grad dresses to less-fortunate female high school students to help them feel pretty and well, wonderful, on their graduation day. I'm all, "Well this sounds like something that fits my passion." So I google them and discover they are hiring volunteers for two different positions. HELLO HOW PERFECT. While I realize this is not a career, I know that I have to start somewhere. The description for the jobs are both mostly office stuff - STUFF I CAN DO - and HELLOOOOOO social media which I looooove doing.
I already contacted them to make sure the position hadn't been filled and will be dropping by tomorrow evening with a resume.
Soo fingers crossed I can get this job and do something meaningful in life and make up for the fact that I'm no longer a fan of my job.
Also wedding planning is stressful. And getting a part time job will not help that, but seriously when will this opportunity present itself ever again. Seriously.