Flowers for Easter

May 04, 2015 17:02

ikel89 will be pleased, perhaps, that I took some photos that the camera I have access to can actually handle.  No low-light/night shenanigans here, just a lotta zooming in -- a bit not-quite macro-style.  Part of this is on Facebook, but I posted a more complete set here.

And until I get a job (which has not been overly successful so far), this will have to serve as an interim thank you for alenky_cveto4ek.

(Click to enlarge)

Yeah, should've done some zooming/in-camera cropping with that one to get rid of the white pot. Or just moved the pot, haha.

I could probably do a series on firewood end grains and bark.  ;-P  Should've zoomed in more! See this post for some old-school nature photography.  (It's also included in the related entries dealio that I'm trying out. Only seems to work for public entries.)

Yes, I actually have fingernails these days! It's been a long time. It does help that I've cut back on caffeine drastically. I do find myself increasing it again lately and I need to stop.

Photography footwear and photography assistant that I didn't ask for!  (I do like the question mark tail.)  And I couldn't do my metal icon since the last picture was a hand-held selfie. (Lots of reject selfies, won't bore you with those since I'm not particularly happy with them.)


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