This will not be comprehensive, but I wanted to post this....

Aug 08, 2014 13:40

...before hamsterwoman left Belgium and before I forgot and crashed for the day.  sunnytyler001 may want to weigh in - probably to say, "why on Earth are you talking about this?!"  XD

Anyway, I was having a convo online about Guardians of the Galaxy yesterday and randomly mentioned Groot. A Dutch-speaker remarked that everyone dropping Groot into English sentences right now was sorta messing with their mind, since "groot" means big or tall in Dutch.*    We got to talking and I asked if Groot (the Guardians of the Galaxy character) was potentially the first Dutch superhero - shh, it's not a riff on the English word "root," it's totally a shout-out to Dutch-speakers everywhere - and they replied no.  There is MEGA MINDY and MEGA TOBY.  Well, I had never heard of them before, but since they are apparently marketed to 5-year old Dutch/Flemish children, I guess it's unsurprising that I've missed them.  BUT NOT ANY LONGER!

My correspondent (propera_parada), shared these videos...I am still laughing that they chose TOBY for the male superhero's name. At least Mindy has alliteration going on for her.

image Click to view

image Click to view

But I didn't really sit up and take notice until Mega Mindy's ride made an appearance. It's not Wonder Woman's invisible jet, but I think 5-year-old me would've found it cool. Heck, definitely-not-5-year-old me thinks it's cool, albeit potentially ear-deafening if the turbo-charging was real. I am sure it's just for show, otherwise poor Mindy (you need union representation ASAP).

And looking at the Mega Mindy wiki page in English, she can apparently "breathe fire and has the ability to lift tents without touching anything." I mean, breathing fire is pretty atypical for a superhero, and I doubt anyone else has the tent-lifting deal on lockdown. Of course, now I want to know if she can ONLY move tents.

She has a webpage with videos and games, so go forth and *whatever Mindy's catchphrase is* never mind, I've decided that it is RAISE TENTS.

*Actually, according to my BFF, Google Translate, groot in Dutch can mean: large, great, big, major, wide, spacious, high, grand, vast, tall, long, bulky, comprehensive, lanky, chunking, vasty, grown-up, and groat
(Yeah, I don't think vasty is a word and I would probably never use chunking, but ole Google Translate is certainly not infallible; however it can provide hours minutes of comedy, as alenky_cveto4ek and ikel89 can attest.)

awesome, belgium

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