Nov 08, 2004 12:10
Had a pretty good weeked. Got to go home... something I hadn't done in 2 months, so +10,000,000 points there. Made it really hard to leave, though. But Em and Mich were with me, so it was ok... I didn't cry all the way to Aynor like I usually do.
Got to see Kara Saturday! Another +5000 points there. We met her at Broadway and the four of us walked around there. I'm sure Tresh has already mentioned she did her X-mas shopping. Found a really kick-ass poster in the Wolf Creek Gallery that I probably should have gotten. It had an old photo of 4 or 5 Native chiefs and said "HOMELAND SECURITY Fighting Terrorism since 1492" It made me giggle. And I got some pictures of an old flyer they had up near the back of the store that I just happened to run across. Was a propaganda poster from the 1870s or so for settlers to move west and said something about "The Natives are anxious for whites to come and settle the land." I think the general concensus was "Yeah, riiiiight..."
But speaking of 1870s west, I got my notebooks that I had been writing chapter 1 in for the fic Mol and I were working on over the summer. \\`00+!!!1 Now maybe I can get to work on that again. I love that fic... it makes me happy. ^__^
Lessee... what else? Oh... Jekyll and Hyde. One word: BLAH! The guy who played Jekyll/Hyde was so unemotional it was hilarious. During Transformation he might as well have been standing up there saying "Agony, Writhe, Writhe, Languish, &c." It was terrible! And Emma had this beautiful opera voice that you heard snippits of, but 99% of the time her tone was completely nasal. UGH! But the girl who played Lucy rocked the house. She was awesome. Totally made it worth it. And the guy who played John Utterson was cool too. Talked to him after the show and he seems really cool.
Other funny thing about it was, aside from a kid who looked about 8 or 9, the three of us were probably the youngest people there. Shock #1. Shock #2 was that they actually performed "Bring On The Men" (which was v. v. cool, btw). But oh well.
Time for lunch and then Italian test. Buona fortuna! Ciao