Please friend remove:
windscanchangemyplacenthesunbitchingcamarosalsaconjere Characters dropped by the AC will have up to one week afterwards to re-join with no app. If you are doing so, please post here telling us and repost to the
Taken Characters and
Friend Add / Remove.
Also, in order to keep your friends lists up to date, please copy-paste the following text boxes into the
Admin Console.
friend add ms_elegante
friend add elegante_ooc
friend add elegante_log
friend add elegante_masks
friend add elegante_events
friend add elegante_farm
friend add 6_of_swords
friend add autodiagnose
friend add boundbyjade
friend add canglu
friend add capn_redd
friend add crazyforcrazies
friend add dionaea_saligia
friend add neverlucky7s
friend add quesiransiran
friend add shenghuanzhe
friend add weifengyiyu
friend add wheremahfaec
friend add youdbettertip
friend add allmyturtles
friend add aprimemover
friend add arcanasoul
friend add aswanbyday
friend add atomic16
friend add bastardbytrade
friend add believeslegends
friend add betterthanleo
friend add betterthanraph
friend add brittlenerves
friend add brynkitten
friend add ceilingezio
friend add chopshopgoddess
friend add conquistasal
friend add couldbeavillain
friend add defiant_rage
friend add destinedtorule
friend add diverged_fate
friend add does_everything
friend add dormant_beast
friend add ecopiracy
friend add electroniccrane
friend add electronichound
friend add entirelybonkers
friend add erhabenheit
friend add evillyaffable
friend add excuuusemehero
friend add fairyforecaster
friend add farfairersoul
friend add failatskypirate
friend add fetchthestick
friend add fightforward
friend add forgivemesister
friend add ggggentlemen
friend add gonnabeamighty
friend add gunsandhonor
friend add hadalotofsugar
friend add heavyweaponsbot
friend add hellofadrug
friend add her_order
friend add idkmybfftiana
friend add ilikesoap
friend add imsorryimissed
friend add internalcage
friend add ixgideonxi
friend add jazzingitup
friend add jewelofthesands
friend add kaikou_tide
friend add keepthedeaddown
friend add killzone_blonde
friend add lastofvaldemar
friend add lfetimewarranty
friend add lightyourway
friend add lilyground
friend add mayflyhunter
friend add meantthecar
friend add medicalofficer
friend add meinxxherz
friend add metharchy
friend add missmimmi
friend add morningreport
friend add nothinglikegod
friend add notwhatiwas
friend add ntjstapwn
friend add nottheaveragekg
friend add oblique_wisdom
friend add only_one_raoul
friend add onlyajackass
friend add phasebitchin
friend add pimp_hat
friend add psychoticracer
friend add pureallnatural
friend add rdmcatpaw
friend add rocklikerunaway
friend add royalguarantee
friend add sandpaperbreath
friend add scionofwisdom
friend add screwyoubob
friend add seagullmun
friend add shadesofeco
friend add shipshapeshipco
friend add skin_and_steel
friend add so_flighty
friend add soyouwannaplay
friend add spockinator
friend add standardpackage
friend add starsfornoone
friend add statusunquo
friend add stonesnotsticks
friend add stray_cub
friend add survivorking
friend add tachikhromatic
friend add talkback_stein
friend add talkingfishbone
friend add teethofneedles
friend add thenotmagician
friend add thepartydude
friend add tic_tech_turtle
friend add ttlyisabard
friend add ttlynotawizard
friend add unamvirtus
friend add vikingess
friend add wiserthanusall
friend add withanokka
friend add xmaliciouslyx
friend add yaidudamoi
friend remove 1000volks
friend remove 1truthprevails
friend remove 4nschik
friend remove a_bit_jumpy
friend remove almostsurvived
friend remove anomnipresence
friend remove aquatail
friend remove asoutcastshear
friend remove a_thingofbeauty
friend remove attachikoma
friend remove awesomeoncrack
friend remove awomanresolute
friend remove axemeaquestion
friend remove bandageshark
friend remove baxtalo
friend remove bibliofantasy
friend remove big_meanie
friend remove bigsnakedaddy
friend remove bitchingcamaro
friend remove blindimmortal
friend remove blitzmeister
friend remove blueeyed_beast
friend remove born_calamity
friend remove boyslikeus
friend remove bravelotus
friend remove butterfly_grim
friend remove callmerevolver
friend remove canttrustliars
friend remove capn_firehazard
friend remove captain_jtk
friend remove captainverg
friend remove carotid_spray
friend remove cathisma
friend remove chevyskates
friend remove chorusangel
friend remove chovahano
friend remove christmas_bones
friend remove citheronia
friend remove clover_artist
friend remove cow_druid
friend remove crabbygenius
friend remove curious_tempest
friend remove cutecollecting
friend remove cynicinasuit
friend remove damnedgun
friend remove daughterofannua
friend remove demonsinmymind
friend remove deinxxrazer
friend remove dethsentence
friend remove disparomuerto
friend remove distancedmalice
friend remove doctoronboard
friend remove drunkwithdoubt
friend remove dual_dragon
friend remove dukealla
friend remove ello_poppies
friend remove elvenaccuracy
friend remove explosivetalent
friend remove eyesofamurderer
friend remove faeriexprincess
friend remove failingmercury
friend remove farmhandhero
friend remove faster_then_you
friend remove fearsnodarkness
friend remove femmescreamed
friend remove fibrir
friend remove fidbadach
friend remove fiery_kitty
friend remove fivetongued
friend remove floreatetona
friend remove flyingfloor
friend remove flyingvegan
friend remove followrulesplz
friend remove for_hyrule
friend remove for_our_future
friend remove forniisan
friend remove fred_cassidy
friend remove frostedbites
friend remove fugenetics
friend remove fullmetal_twerp
friend remove ghost_in_the
friend remove gifting
friend remove godshellsing
friend remove goingdarkly
friend remove goinglightly
friend remove gonnafreakout
friend remove gorgeousbriefs
friend remove gotyourwallet
friend remove graaaaaves
friend remove granygetyourgun
friend remove grinwithnoshame
friend remove growingharder
friend remove growingsofter
friend remove harborbutcher
friend remove hatesallmen
friend remove headfullapuddin
friend remove headsinging
friend remove heartsduet
friend remove hotatlantean
friend remove huragokwhistler
friend remove hylian_courage
friend remove i_has_a_hat
friend remove idkmybffblair
friend remove ill_tidings
friend remove im_deadcol
friend remove imperium_luna
friend remove ineptrogue
friend remove infected_hunter
friend remove innocentcolours
friend remove insane_charisma
friend remove insidetheskye
friend remove ironicauthority
friend remove it_was_a_blank
friend remove justcallmeprez
friend remove justcallmespike
friend remove kill4smokes
friend remove kirkinator
friend remove ladybryony
friend remove lamortdeshommes
friend remove learntosuperfly
friend remove leftherheart
friend remove lemonmeringuepi
friend remove likeonacompass
friend remove lilgreenjeep
friend remove loathemirrors
friend remove loldemonlord
friend remove lol_oldgods
friend remove loothian
friend remove lovefromsakura
friend remove lucedibomb
friend remove lushness
friend remove makinmesober
friend remove maniccat
friend remove massagecat
friend remove mintyrebellion
friend remove misfortunfavors
friend remove misterhoodsir
friend remove mnu_spreadslies
friend remove morequartersplz
friend remove mostly_spice
friend remove mrstickyfingers
friend remove myplacenthesun
friend remove mypromises
friend remove mysweetchildren
friend remove nanoblast
friend remove nantokanare
friend remove navidtrifecta
friend remove needsmoarred
friend remove nicegundam
friend remove nicesetsuna
friend remove nihlustic
friend remove noble_wings
friend remove nocurrypowder
friend remove no_funatall
friend remove noir_epoch
friend remove nonewbsickness
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friend remove of_therebellion
friend remove ohnojoodidnt
friend remove ohsocurvy
friend remove oldsweepy
friend remove omeganimus
friend remove oneeveryminute
friend remove oomdoomdoomdoom
friend remove origamiartist
friend remove osilentlamb
friend remove ouuuuuu
friend remove palehornprince
friend remove perfect_butt
friend remove picturemysins
friend remove pixidusting
friend remove polewhisperer
friend remove powersthatbe411
friend remove praxipads
friend remove pretendnaughty
friend remove prime_huntress
friend remove psilosophy
friend remove puddingluvr
friend remove purebredtwin
friend remove purplebiker
friend remove qitiandasheng
friend remove queerfluidity
friend remove quirkiestgirl
friend remove r0dform
friend remove reachforthe
friend remove refusingtodie
friend remove relented
friend remove rocknrollfries
friend remove rockstheworld
friend remove roughcriminal
friend remove ruethepollywog
friend remove ruinedwrath
friend remove salsaconjere
friend remove sarasalandgirl
friend remove scaredbutdreams
friend remove seasindorei
friend remove shadow_blast
friend remove shockedlogic
friend remove simplysuperior
friend remove singmeyoursoul
friend remove skrammande
friend remove skyion
friend remove screwsparkles
friend remove seeingall
friend remove servantofhell
friend remove shayngunn
friend remove sheisreturning
friend remove shesagift
friend remove shinies4u
friend remove sky_bandit
friend remove smellsyourhair
friend remove smite_knight
friend remove smokin_shifter
friend remove soldierbee
friend remove solostthatbet
friend remove sonotyourdog
friend remove sowonthatbet
friend remove speaksflail
friend remove standonmyown
friend remove staronachain
friend remove strongerfaster
friend remove suck_my_tusks
friend remove sunofasailor
friend remove surething_sugar
friend remove sw0rdform
friend remove tainted_bot
friend remove tamedwolf
friend remove tanksthetic
friend remove the_incendiary
friend remove thebirdbrain
friend remove thiefshonor
friend remove thisis_not_good
friend remove threedaystime
friend remove throwslikedavid
friend remove time4slayage
friend remove tldriving
friend remove tokyoichigo
friend remove tongyici
friend remove tormentare
friend remove triplethecrazy
friend remove trouser_chimp
friend remove twofaced_wisdom
friend remove ugly_am_i
friend remove unelemental
friend remove unfrozenrose
friend remove unshakabletruth
friend remove vampurify
friend remove viagem
friend remove wait_in_hallway
friend remove wallrocket
friend remove wannaclap_cant
friend remove warmandfluffy
friend remove warrunnerfury
friend remove wastelanderking
friend remove watelseisthere
friend remove waywardassassin
friend remove weepingdemon
friend remove wharmahfaec
friend remove wheres_my_puppy
friend remove which_is_hikaru
friend remove weaponxi
friend remove wildcolors
friend remove wildeyesblind
friend remove wild_steed
friend remove windscanchange
friend remove wolvesxeyes
friend remove wupirate
friend remove xofatinox
friend remove xx_vivatregina
friend remove xx_vivatrex
friend remove yankumi_sensei
friend remove youngsoldat
friend remove yousoundblue