Well, we had a rather quiet weekend after a hectic week last week. We did intend to do work outside in the garden, pruning and weeding, but
someone (that would be me) had the bright idea of doing Saturday brunch - home made bacon and egg muffins that leave the stuff from Maccas in the dust! Well after eating three of them each no one was fit to do anything but lie around moaning and try to digest it, so we all washed a movie instead!
Oh well, a quiet weekend never hurt anyone!
Today I had to take Masked Lady to the vet to be desexed as follow on treatment to an attack of Endometritis. She came through her operation quite well, and is mainly wanting to sleep it off in 'her' bed in the sink. It turns out her desexing was fortunate, it appears, as Dr Harry showed me her uterus when I picked her up this afternoon. It was about the size of a large cocktail frankfurt. He explained to me it should have been about the size of about three matches and said that even after five days on antibiotics it was still enlarged and full of pus. He said she would never have successfully mated again, and would have been ill with this for a long time, if it didn't actually kill her. Removing her uterus was the only way to get rid of it. She of course, is oblivious to her brush with disaster and is snuggly curled up in her bed.
I made up a bed in a basket on the floor for her so she would not have to worry about getting up to the sink, but no, she wanted 'her' bed, so I lifted her up there (don't worry, there is padding and dryfleece in the sink so she is snug and comfy!). I visited her just after dinner and although she came down to the floor to say hello and smooch a little, she wanted to go back to bed very soon, so I tucked her in and shall check on her before I go to bed tonight, although I don't expect her to be much interested in things until tomorrow.
I also took Serenity with me for the vet to check over. Some of our cats have had a bit of a bug for a few weeks now. It's not the usual serious Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URI) some cats get, but more of a bit of a head cold, they feel miserable for a few days, lose a bit of weight and then seem to get over it. Serenity, being so small, and coming from a community that is so isolated has no antibodies and so it has hit her harder than the rest. As she is borrowed and so young I thought it wisest to have her checked out. This proved the right thing to do as the poor thing has the more serious URI and is now on antibiotics.
This afternoon and this evening I have made glorious inroads into my research and planning for my series of novels and actually now know how it all shall end! This is no small accomplishment and I am rather pleased with myself.
In the process I have had my nose buried in research on Agartha, Shambhalla, the Hollow Earth Theory, Salman Rushdie and Theosophy which was all very fascinating stuff! More and more now the various threads are all starting to come together and make sense, knitting all the ideas and imaginings into one coherant and (hopefully) entertaining whole. Once all the research I think I need is done, all the plot lines are tied in and no more glaring gaps remain then it will be onto the really fun bit - the actual writing of the story, the filling in of the tale around the bare bones which is the plot outline.
Of course, there usually crops up things that have not been researched that need to be as inspiration takes flight and unthought of things happen but generally they are no big problem. Once the structure is there it is much easier to hang the story upon it and a little pause for casual research here and there is no problem. I am starting to get excited as my release from planning and research approaches, like a child who has been made to learn all the theory before being let loose to finally play that instrument that her muse has been yearning for!
So even though my time for working on my books is erratic and very limited lately I have been making very good progress when I do get time and at the moment I am finding that working when I can, when I feel like it and when outside circumstances permits is working out pretty well for me. I think though when I start actually writing the story I shall need to work more regularly as when I have a story churning to be put down on paper all else tends to get thrown by the wayside as the writer within rules!
Now though, tis time to relax and feel proud of myself!