The happenings

Aug 10, 2007 23:56

The new car was delivered on Wednesday afternoon. Since then we've been just way too busy to stop and take photos of tygrr in it yet, but perhaps soon....if y'all be good...;)

So what have we been doing to be busy?

For starters we have had to arrange to advertise her Suzuki Vitara for sale this weekend, and then get it ready to sell. It had a mini-service today and she cleaned it out yesterday and washed the outside, then I cleaned the inside tonight and put some shine on the tyres. And yes, I know that how it looks should have nothing to do with how it runs, but I know that first impressions make a difference. If it LOOKS like it's looked after, it's more easy to convince them it HAS been looked after.

And we have all the receipts from the work we've had done on it. This is a good thing as it has a high mileage - 239180km. The fact we have had so much work done to it will offset that to some extent. Technically there really isn't much that can go wrong with it that we haven't already fixed. Well, not the usual stuff anyways and we are hoping a buyer doesn't think of unusual stuff.

If we are lucky the phone will start ringing early and should ring pretty consistantly all day. If we are even luckier someone will come and take it for a run, love it, dicker with us over the price a little and then pay a deposit and arrive on monday with a bank cheque. Keep fingers crossed!

In other news, tygrr is feeling somewhat better and even went to work last night. I, on the other hand, am feeling decided 'off' tonight - headache, feeling 'flushed' and just It does not bode well for tomorrow. Not a good way to be fielding phone calls at all. However, I have jotted down the relevent info about the car, so that I don't have to remember it off the top of my head when the phone rings, so that should make my job easier a little.

In more other news, my son moved out on Monday. It was his pay day and as arranged when I let him camp in the back yard, on payday he was to move out to a caravan park. To give him credit where it is due he phoned around himself to find one and eventually chose one he had lived in before which was pretty cheap, although a little out of the way.

I had given him the, 'Now you're 21 you're an adult and must stand on your own two feet' talk on sunday night. I told him that where I had helped him with food when he ran out in the past, that had changed now as he was an adult and like the rest of us was now responsible for himself. I told him if he ever wanted to change his lifestyle and didn't know how then he could come and ask, but no more handouts. As a last assistance I dropped him and his gear at the caravan park (which is about 30km from here) on Monday evening and we parted on good terms and understanding each other, or so I thought.

That was Monday. On Monday he had been paid $440 which had to last him for two weeks. His rent was only $140 for his camping site for two weeks which should have left him $300 to feed himself between now and then. He had gone shopping for food before I dropped him at the caravan park and I had not intruded and asked what he had bought.

Thursday lunchtime he left a message on my home phone, which I did not get until thursday night. Thursday afternoon he sent a text to my mobile from a public phone booth (didn't know you could do that, but apparantly you can). What did it say?

"Hi, it's R. I've run out of food and don't have any money on me for any more and was wondering if you would help me"

I mean, THREE DAYS after being paid he's starving with no money?????????

I was livid.

I still am.

How stupid does he think I am?

How much of a soft touch?

There is no reception where he lives for his mobile phone so I cannot reply. I cannot send a text back to the phone booth either. And you know what? I'll be damned if I am going to run all the way over there just to say no, and you can be damned sure I'm saying NO!

So, I've not replied. I would say I've ignored it, but my reaction has been a long way from ignoring. I think if I went anywhere near him at the moment I would hit him!


So there you have it, the latest happenings in our household.

Oh, and btw, I was smart enough to use my mobile number in the car for sale advertisement. That way I can turn it off when I want to go to bed tomorrow night and leave it off til I am ready to deal with it again the next day....:)

However, if I'm going to deal with it tomorrow, I best hit the hay now!

delinquent children, selling cars

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