Nov 08, 2012 13:34

Eric Dondero subtitles his screed "Time to tell any Democrats you know to fuck off and die":Express your hatred, shame, and outright disgust with anyone you know who voted Democrat

However, for me, I'm choosing another rather unique path; a personal boycott, if you will. Starting early this morning, I am going to un-friend every single individual on Facebook who voted for Obama, or I even suspect may have Democrat leanings. I will do the same in person. All family and friends, even close family and friends, who I know to be Democrats are hereby dead to me. I vow never to speak to them again for the rest of my life, or have any communications with them. They are in short, the enemies of liberty. They deserve nothing less than hatred and utter contempt.

I strongly urge all other libertarians to do the same. Are you married to someone who voted for Obama, have a girlfriend who voted 'O'. Divorce them. Break up with them without haste. Vow not to attend family functions, Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas for example, if there will be any family members in attendance who are Democrats.

Do you work for someone who voted for Obama? Quit your job. Co-workers who voted for Obama. Simply don't talk to them in the workplace, unless your boss instructs you too for work-related only purposes. Have clients who voted Democrat? Call them up this morning and tell them to take their business elsewhere.

Have a neighbor who votes for Obama? You could take a crap on their lawn. Then again, probably not a good idea since it would be technically illegal to do this. But you could have your dog take care of business. Not your fault if he just happens to choose that particular spot.

And start your boycott of your Democrat friends and family today. Like this morning. First thing you can do, very easy, is to un-friend all Democrats from your Facebook account.

...If I meet a Democrat in my life from here on out, I will shun them immediately. I will spit on the ground in front of them, being careful not to spit in their general direction so that they can't charge me with some stupid little nuisance law. Then I'll tell them in no un-certain terms: "I do not associate with Democrats. You all are communist pigs, and I have nothing but utter disgust for you. Sir/Madam, you are scum of the earth." Then I'll turn and walk the other way.
In comments....I disowned them this morning. On Facebook and through an email. But fortunately my parents are diehard Republicans, and a sister. It's only the fucked up brother in Delaware, piece of shit, scumbag mother fucker who is a Democrat, and another sister in Philly who won't tell me, but I'm almost certain voted for Obama.

They are dead to me now. And I will not under any circumstances attend their funerals in 30 or 40 years.

Harsh, but a reality.
I'm sure they'll be crushed.

He also brags about how he yells in supermarkets about how they let people pay with EBT, a/k/a MAH TAX DOLLAZ, how he intends to get a lawn sign saying "EBT is for Welfare Moochers," and how he might even protest supermarkets with a similar sign.

The comments get awesome before long. Dondero claims that because he's "backpacked all over Europe," he can speak "about a dozen languages," which probably boils down to Berlitz bits like Ein Beck's, danke, ¿Dónde está el baño? and Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir? Then he gives out his cell number and offers to meet with some liberal guy so he can spit on the ground in front of him. "Don't be a pussy. Call mother fucker."

I say we send Shelly Dankert his number so she can call him up and drunkenly yell at him for being "a PUSSY member of PAULQAEDA!!" Unlocked.

This entry was originally posted at http://ms-daisy-cutter.dreamwidth.org/1915664.html. Please comment there using either your DW account or OpenID.

dumbass, batshit wingnuts, watb, libertarians, tasty tasty schadenfreude

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