This guy'd love Fuqua & Co.

Oct 09, 2012 18:44

Meet Clifford Russell, Romney supporter in Virginia."Look, there's always something you can do. You telling me people can't make a choice for a better life? We have to help all of them? No. I'll tell you what really need to do with these illegitimate families on welfare-give all the kids up for adoption and execute the parents."
That's just the most extreme thing he said. There's a lot more.

(Who else is surprised he's an engineer? I swear, the only profession that draws more idiots who think that their technical skills make them capable of running the world is programming.)

And the dingleberry replies after the article is posted:I did not say that I wanted to execute parents on welfare and give their kids up for adoption.

I said that it would be better to execute the parents of an illegitimate child and put their child up for adoption.

Does it bother you that Progressives have to intentionally lie to make their positions look good? Could that intentional lie be a bases for a deformation of character law suit?
This is all verbatim, btw.

I bet Clifford Russell considers himself "pro-life," too.


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needs moar haldol, diaf, wtf, sociopaths in politics

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