John Scalzi on
how not to be one. Predictable whining, victim blaming, and concern trolling (WHAT IF HE HAS TEH ASS BURGERS?!) in comments, but all are met with capable smackdowns.
Cartoon from
Melanie Gillman. Click for full size.
Arlette on creepiness, and why women pick up on it when men don't.
Which leads directly to
this anecdote from
a very good thread overall about creepy dudes. (OP and thread contain numerous triggers, including re rape.) Note the bit about "The Question."
And, finally,
The Missing Stair (more triggers in OP and thread).Have you ever been in a house that had something just egregiously wrong with it? Something massively unsafe and uncomfortable and against code, but everyone in the house had been there a long time and was used to it? "Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you, there's a missing step on the unlit staircase with no railings. But it's okay because we all just remember to jump over it."
Some people are like that missing stair.
In this instance, men who prey on women and whose social circle prefers to make endless excuses for them, and silence any woman who complains, rather than get rid of the creepers. And not just those cases, either:This isn't just about individuals, either. Everyone who says "I don't want to be a victim-blamer, but girls should know frat parties aren't safe places" is treating rape culture like a missing stair. Everyone who says "it's an ugly fact, but only women who don't make trouble make it in this business" is treating sexual harassment like a missing stair. Everyone who says "I don't like it either, but that's the way things are," and makes no move to question the way things are, is jumping over a missing stair somewhere.
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