Fuck you too, Obama.

May 13, 2012 10:20

His announcement the other day that he's "personally" in favor of marriage equality gave a big warm fuzzy to the Whole Foods/NPR type of liberal who doesn't want to think beyond the "D" after a politician's name. Especially the ones who are straight and cisgendered.

"Personally," however, is distinct from "politically." As in, "I think this should be a political reality and I will work to make it so."

Note especially his opinion that the issue of marriage ought to be left up to the states. Ponder that wording in light of the last 150 years of American history.

Also, consider that, in a poll conducted just over a year ago, 46% of Mississippians said they wanted interracial marriage banned, and another 14% said they weren't sure.

If you think the right is going to be happy with banning same-sex marriage, you've got your head in the goddamn sand. And Obama just threw a huge bone to every group of activist bigots in the United States.

keori has the right of it. So does PZ Myers (warning: nearly a thousand comments). Everybody who's het-splaining to GLBT people why they should be happy about the announcement, the uppity ingrates? Really need to shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.


This entry was originally posted at http://ms-daisy-cutter.dreamwidth.org/1824250.html. Please comment there using either your DW account or OpenID.

teh ghey, diaf, racism, law, assholes

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