Joe Jervis reports that Frothymixture was giving a "values" speech at a fundie xtian school in Illinois when shouts of "Mike(*) check! Mike check! Mr. Santorum!" rose from the bleachers. The crowd turned to see two men embracing and kissing "rather languorously," booed at the sight, and then began to chant "USA! USA! USA!" as kissers Timothy Tross and Ben Clifford were escorted from the building.
(*) When the hell did people start spelling it "mic" instead of "mike"? Fuck 'em.
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Screenshot of Tross and Clifford (I don't know who's who) from the video:
The chant of "USA! USA!", as one of Jervis' commenters says, is "the sound of fascism." 'Cuz homos aren't real 'Murkins, y'know. Another commenter describes the school in question:Christian Liberty Academy includes a homeschooling program and a publishing company that promotes some of the most extreme theocratic writers, including R.J. Rushdoony and Gary North. These are the nice folks who would stone us to death for breaking Old Testament laws. Before all the news about U.S. fundamentalists in Uganda broke I came across a quote by Calvin Lindstrom, current head of Christian Liberty, who wrote approvingly about Uganda instituting prison terms for gay people. I shudder to think about how many children are influenced by this "Academy" through their homeschooling program. They are also notable for being one of the only churches in this part of Illinois to agree to host Scott Lively. Funny, they don't actually consider Santorum and other Catholics to be Christians, and yet they'll allow Santorum to use their facilities because he shares their bigotry toward anyone who is gay, non-homeschooling, a user of birth control, etc. etc. So lovely when bigots can be bound together by their shared hatreds.
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