Even for sf_d, this is fucking stupid.

Dec 02, 2010 18:28

A British LJer was going to a "World War II" party dressed as an evacuee. For my fellow Yanks, this means she was going dressed as a London child being sent off to relatives in the country for her own safety.

sf_drama, however, decided that she was making fuuunnnnn of war refugeeeeees!! And faaaaaammmbuhleeeeezz being toorrrrrnn apaaaarrrt!!! And ZOMG GENOCIDE11111111eleventillion!

Bonus comments of "Why don't you just have a '40s-themed party?" (when, in the U.K., the war was the '40s), suggestions for American-centric '40s nostalgia, accusations that younger Brits are appropriating their own culture because " they weren't there," that it doesn't matter how British culture deals with the subject because AMERICANS DIED OVER THERE TOO!!!, and - best of all - the assertion that anything before December 7, 1941 or after June 5, 1945 would be unrelated to the war.

Y'know, I suspect that most of the Americans among these upright, socially aware fighters for justice celebrate Thanksgiving, too, and would react highly defensively if criticized for it. (I spend the holiday with family and/or friends, depending on the year, but I don't deny the ugly background.) Oh, wait....

Do actual, real-life activists think this shit actually does any good? Versus, y'know, university sophomores majoring in something ending in "Studies" whose idea of "crusading for justice" is dogpiling people on journaling sites over questions of taste?

I really can't do better than to quote
bites_the_sun, in full, on this matter. Jesus christ, what a bunch of joyless, humourless bell-ends. Oh no, someone in another country does things differently to you and your friends. MORAL FUCKING PANIC. ALL ABOARD THE JUSTICE EXPRESS! SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET IS WRONG. CALL THE COMPUTER POLICES, A BAD THING IS HAPPENED ON THE TUBES. MERE ANARCHY IS LOOSED UPON THE NETS etc etc

I can't even begin to wrap my head around being so fucking lacking in a life you would care whether someone in another country dresses up as an evacuee, a GI or frankly, Herman fucking Goering. It's a WW2 themed party. In another country. A dressing-up party which here, if you don't have a stick up your humourless backside, usually means taking the piss, not modelling anything seriously. Fancy dress parties are not tributes to the people you dress up as. It's supposed to be fun, or funny and funny often means black humour, which I personally enjoy. Personally I couldn't give a shit if you do want to dress up as a Nazi, Joseph Stalin or Pol Pot for laughs - dressing up as one for a piss-take doesn't make you them, doesn't condone their politics, does not make anything they did not have happened. Meanwhile, being Terribly Serious And Moralistic About History At All Times neither magically erases the wounds of the past or prevent anything from happening again.

On another note, remember that bad guys historically always have the best costumes. See: pirates, Vikings etc. Should I berate someone for dressing up as Sven the Viking because people were murdered, raped and whole areas of this country robbed and held to ransom by them 1000 years ago? Should I get weird about someone dressing up as Robin Hood because historically speaking, 'Robin Hoods' were actually nothing but incredibly violent and unpleasant common criminals who terrorised the poor rather than helped them? Meanwhile, should all historical battle reenactment be banned for 'promoting' violence or reduced to whoever some liberal pantswetter thinks were the good guys in case someone has too good a time being on the 'wrong' team? Hell, is it morally wrong to watch movies with Nazis, cowboys or anyone who ever did anything bad in them IRL for entertainment? Should Mel Brooks be arrested for 'insensitivity' to Jews?

Fucking hell, I was saying the other day to my nephew (I was telling him about this) - I would dress as an IRA member if I thought it'd get a laugh from my friends and I'm old enough to remember when we lived in fear of them.

Fuck's sake, if someone dresses up as a Nazi for an actual Nazi rally, let me know. Otherwise, people need to get a life.

I really am in the camp of 'get off the fucking internet and find a hobby, or a life' with these moronic little SJ types these days. They're going to look back at - I suspect - decades of their lives spent flailing pointlessly at people over things that DO NOT MATTER and DO NOT AFFECT THEM IN ANY WAY and wish they'd spent it doing someting productive instead.

On a final note,
bites_the_sun said I could quote her only if I posted this video. It's Charlie Brooker; twist my arm. Here you go.

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Unlocked. Wank away.

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dumbass, war and military, video, bullshit, terrorism, history, wank

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