(no subject)

Oct 05, 2006 01:27

Review of the original Dr_Mindbender Post, and the subsequent petition by Mitch as well as other posts and all the responses that these posts have received.

Why are people still attacking Dr_Mindbender?

Ok, I get that he posted up a poem that contained images that some people found offensive. And he posted this on the poetry forum, which meant that people unwillingly received said images on their friends page. People complained, Dr_Mindbender responded. Sure, there was a bit of an argument, hey I can see both sides. Dr_Mindbender wanted his right to post his art, others wanted their right to not be forced to see images they found offensive.
So after some 'friendly' discussions, Dr_Mindbender put his poem behind an ljcut tag. (Obviously he didn't know about this tag originally, not many people do, so he shouldn't be persecuted for not having done it in the first place.)

People continue to complain. Even though the poem (and images) are now carefully hidden behind the ljcut tag, and there is an appropriate warning. Now, I can't remember the exact date that Dr_Mindbender did this, but its been a couple of days now. Why are people complaining? Obviously they still find the images they viewed over a week  ago offensive - were the images that badly burnt into people's brains? EIther that or people are continuing to access the poem, despite the warning and despite the lj-cut tag. If this is the case, these people have NO RIGHT to complain.

People - You asked for the right to not have to view this footage if you didn't want to. Dr_Mindbender gave that to you, he put the footage behind a tag. So effectively the art is no longer on the street, its in an art gallery. But if youre continuing to protest Dr_Mindbender's right to have the poem in the poetry forum, then you are deny his right to publish his artwork, and the rest of us student's right to choose to view the artwork.
If you continue to protest against Dr_Mindbender's poem you are pretty much standing outside that metaphorical art gallery, with pickets in your hands trying to stop the public accessing art.

Is that really what you want to be doing?

(And props to Mitch who has acknowledged that Dr_Mindbender has met his request. Lets hope others follow his example.)
(And double props to Dr_Mindbender, who has had his art and his person attacked, but who continues to make great poems).
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