Mr Cameron's special regard for carers

Feb 21, 2016 17:12

Mary Wills is over sixty but at a time when her contemporaries are looking forward to retirement, Mary has an unpaid full time job. She is a full time carer for her frail husband and frailer mother.

Mary is the sort of person you can imagine being photographed in the local papers clutching her OBE for community service. If David Cameron's Big Society had a poster girl, it would be Mary.

Mary is indeed in the papers this week but not because her kindness and self -sacrifice has received its just rewards. Instead, Mary is locked into a frightening and expensive court battle because the government wants to deport her frail mother, Myrtle Cothill.

Myrtle's father fought for Britain in two world wars. She has no family in South Africa and no home there any more. She cannot walk unaided and is losing her sight.

If this were not injury enough, Mary and Myrtle have been accused of lying by the tribunal chair - although the lie he actually mentions appears to be an error of arithmetic -Myrtle's age is wrong by a year on her court statement. I suspect that this may be the chair's excuse to himself for this reprehensible decision.

There is a petition to support Myrtle. It's been very effective so far because everytime it gets another 50,000 signatures, Myrtle gets a stay in execution.

If you haven't signed this petition already, please follow the link and consider signing it.


myrtle cothill petition

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