God My Cousin Is WEIRD!

May 07, 2006 23:01

I found his Crawlspace Eviction bio. he's so weird but then again that's why we love him and i credit my mom to making him weird in some way.
Adam Carter
Adam Carter's headshot.

From early childhood, Adam Carter dreamed of one day being the world's top sumo wrestler. Unfortunately, that profession required entirely too much bulking up for our young dreamer's taste. "Fat is not where it's at!" he proclaimed, and turned his attention instead to becoming the world's top construction worker. The less said about the fate of that endeavor, the better.

Adam now works part-time as a local CIA operative (oops, we weren't supposed to give that away: sorry!). In his spare time, he boldly speaks out wherever he sees injustice and tyranny in the world; recently he mounted a hunger strike to demand that the media honor Britney Spears' wishes by addressing her as Britney Federline in the future.

He is also attending the Razor's Edge Beauty Academy, where he's majoring in Afro-Puffs and Asymmetrical Shrooms, both of which will be back in a big way next year, according to Britney Federline.

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