Oct 29, 2006 21:57
Both my football teams suck. How do I survive?
The Prestige = ONE AMAZING MOVIE. You should all go.
Had an amazing weekend hanging out with all my horse friends and riding horses. It was nice to get away and not have a game, but I feel just as tired, if not more tired than if I marched a game. Being out in the freezing cold wind was rough, coupled with staying up late can tire a girl out! But I had tons of fun :)
I love Daylight Savings Time in the fall - it makes me smile!
Birthday in t-minus two days and there is a new Veronica Mars ep! YAY!
Alrighty, I hope you all are cheering for two better football teams than me, because I am a little sad right now without my football.
Totally called Vinatieri making the game winning kick against Denver. I'm good. I know.