Title: Stood Up (1/1)
Rating: PG-15?
Description: teen!muse. Matt Bellamy has been stood up for his first date...but why does that lead to him climb through his best friend's bedroom window (and on a school night!)?
Pairing: belldom
Feedback: It's up to you!
Note: Thank you to the kind people who expressed their enthusiasm over this little thing. I
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This was simply gorgeous. You weave the story together with this quiet grace and word choice that illustrates the physical darkness and emotional mood perfectly. Their banter was perfect, I find myself grinning broadly at the witty lines you create :3
Woman, even your feedback is eloquent. Thank you so much. It really means so much. This was a struggle to write, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to post it, but your feedback was just so kind and lovely.
You know what this calls for? That's right. Miles Kane spam. You're welcome.
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