Ridiculous (5/5)

Oct 25, 2011 13:06

Title: Ridiculous
Author: ms_barcode
Artist: gblvr
Genre: Romantic comedy
Pairing (if applicable): Sam/Gabriel (eventual); Dean/Castiel (established); mentions of various past relationships for both Sam and Gabriel, as well as Dean; Balthazar/Everyone+Everything
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex, masturbation, mentions of euthanasia
Word Count: 37 373
Summary: Sam Winchester and Gabriel Novak have known each other for years, since Sam was in high school and Gabriel was in his junior year of University. Thirteen years later, Gabriel is a pediatrician at York General, the same hospital where Sam works as the legal counsel. Neither knows that the other has carried a torch for them for the better portion of those thirteen years, but just about everyone else and their dog is no stranger to the fact. Having had enough, Sam's older brother Dean, and Gabriel's younger brother, Castiel, concoct a plan to force the two to admit their feelings for each other - or move on with moving on - and are joined in their mission by a wide array of characters from across the series. If this sounds like your standard rom-com, that’s because it is! Laughs and good times are a promise!
Masterpost | Art Post

Part Four

It wasn't a surprise that when Gabriel woke up in the morning, he was a little disoriented. For one, he felt amazing: languid and relaxed. A bit sore, but for the first time in a long time he was waking up feeling totally free, lively and more than ready, because Sam-


The night before came crashing down on him and suddenly he was aware of how he was warm, probably because he was pressed against Sam, his back to Sam's chest, and Sam's arm was flung around his waist. It had taken Gabriel less than a second to clue in, once he'd woken up. Now he was laying very still, trying to immortalize every detail from the night before, and half-hoping he'd just woken up early and he didn't have to wake Sam, didn't have to get out of bed.

The hope was dashed when Sam started to stir, muttering into the pillow, arm tightening around Gabriel's waist. Gabriel snorted, reaching back to pat Sam's hip. Something gave him the feeling that Sam wasn't quite ready to get up and at 'em quite yet. Something told him Sam was going through the same motions he had.

"Time to face the world, kiddo," Gabriel said softly, turning to eye Sam over his shoulder. Sam had his eyes open, just barely, and was looking at Gabriel both like he was crazy and like he was the most amazing thing Sam couldn't believe he was sharing a bed with. It was a bit of a flattering stroke to his ego.

"Do we have to?" He asked, letting go of Gabriel to roll on his back and press the heels of his hands against his eyes. Gabriel chuckled, moving onto his other side, propping his elbow on the pillow, cheek on his hand.

"We showered last night to that we could sleep in today, kiddo. Remember?" he reached over, pushing a hand through Sam's hair, smiling at the way the taller man seemed to give up on waking himself up all the way and melted back into the pillow. "Saaam."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Sam groaned, opening his eyes and sitting up slowly, looking thoroughly displeased about this turn of events. "We have to get dressed and ready and head to work." He stiffened, looking around the room before turning to stare, vaguely horror stricken, at Gabriel. "Get dressed."

Gabriel blinked, rolling onto his stomach, stretching out catlike. "Yes? I mean, unless you want to go in buck naked." He sat up on his knees, raising an eyebrow. "Just so we're clear, I wouldn't be complaining, that is for sure."

Sam made a face at him, throwing off the sheet and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Gabriel took his time admiring the way the muscles moved in his back as he stood, and shamelessly took his time admiring his ass. "You really do have a great ass, Sammy. Pamela was not telling tall tales on that one."

"Gabriel," Sam began, trying to sound exasperated, but not hiding the amusement in his voice very well at all. "What I am getting at is," he pulled on his boxers, bending down to grab his jeans and v-neck from the floor. "I can't get dressed; not for work, anyway." He shook his jeans out for emphasis. "Pretty sure I can't - and the possibility stands - present a proposal for what is basically euthanasia in a bad light, a request to sign a DNR in a good light, not in jeans in a v-neck, and definitely if I want the Garrisons to respect that I respect their feelings."

"Oh..." Gabriel nodded, getting out of bed himself. "That's a bit of a problem, yeah," he rubbed his chin, staring at his closet like his wardrobe would conveniently expand. "My clothes aren't gonna cut it either. Guess we shoulda thought about that last night, huh?" he shot Sam a cheeky grin that was met with a scowl.

"I wasn't thinking that far ahead. I figured showing up with clothes for today would seem a little bit desperate," he added with a bit of a sheepish smile.

Gabriel shrugged one shoulder, opening the closet and shoving his regular dress shirts aside, reaching to the very back. "Well," he tugged a large dark green shirt out, holding it up, looking between it and Sam critically. "You know, you're welcome to 'look desperate' next time. And the time after that. And I promise, next time I say it's a bar, I won't force a restaurant on you."

Sam seemed to be processing everything Gabriel had said over once more. "Next time?"

Gabriel held out the shirt, one eyebrow quirked. "This should fit you. It was a gift from Mr. Size-aware Castiel a few years ago. I haven't bothered to get rid of it yet because I'm sentimental," he waited for Sam to take the hanger from him before he continued. "And yes, next time. I'd like there to be a next time, Sam. I'd like there to be a load of next times. If you'd be okay with it. I waited nine years to end up here. I don't plan on letting this be it. Unless you do. I have a feeling that unless I botched last night, you didn't carry that torch for thirteen years just for a one night stand." He wasn't joking now, he wasn't smirking or raising eyebrows. He was being openly honest with Sam. They weren't walking away from this without defining what was going to happen for both of them.

Gabriel had expected a verbal response. What he got was Sam tossing the shirt he'd just handed him onto the bed, cupping his face in those big hands, and kissing him soundly. It was about as clear as things got. Even without Sam drawing draw and saying "Yes, I'm totally okay with next times," Gabriel knew.

They made a ridiculous picture: Sam in his boxers, holding Gabriel's face in his hands, Gabriel still naked as the day he was born with arms crossed over his chest, both beaming like they were the proud parents of a newborn baby or something equally ridiculous. Like coming to a non-verbal agreement that they were... together now?

"So, does this mean you and I are...?"

"Together?" Sam supplied, looking a little hopeful. "It does, right?"

Gabriel smirked, uncrossing his arms to jab Sam in the ribs. "Only if you let me go so we can do something about this horrific morning breath."


In the end, they had made it work. Sam went into work that day in his jeans (and hurried through the lobby, right to his office) and the shirt Gabriel had lent him, along with one of the pediatrician's ties. He had a spare sport jacket in his office that he could put on if the need arose. They had to make it work, so they'd made it work as best they could.

The subway ride in had been interesting. They'd seen a few of their colleagues, and none of them had seemed exactly surprised to see them board together, sit together, to see the way Sam tugged up his shirt collar when Gabriel pointed something out. It was like everyone but them had been in on some grandiose plot to finally put an end to their sexual tension and the Olympic torch race they were clearly training for and had been for years.

Not that either of them had cared about that too much. They could think what they wanted, though Sam suspected there wasn't much to speculate on after Gabriel had tugged him down into a quick, feverish kiss outside the subway station before they'd strolled into the hospital's lobby. Then he'd patted Sam's ass and danced off to pediatrics before Sam had the chance to tell him off for it.

Now, sitting in his office, logging into the hospital's database so he could check his e-mail and get his day planned out, Sam had to shake his head. Gabriel had said last night that Castiel had predicted their relationship would be 'ridiculous' - knowing Castiel, he meant ridiculous in the best way possible. It wasn't looking like Cas had been wrong either. Gabriel had already taken the time to e-mail him from his phone - thankfully not to Sam's work e-mail - when he'd gotten to his office, nothing but "Can't help but notice you forgot that scarf at my place - you have plans for it?" but it was enough to have Sam rolling his eyes. And considering the possibilities for that scarf.


Finally, with a sigh of apprehension, he brought up his program for his work e-mail, expecting the absolute worst. The Garrisons were going to require to meet with him to go over the reasoning behind Callie's case and why it was best for the girl, and for them, to let her go. Worse, they were horribly offended by his proposal and they were suing the hospital on grounds of emotional trauma. What he found, however, was significantly more heartening, in a sense.

The Garrisons, after reading over his proposal many times, had agreed to his points. They had agreed to let Callie go, and she would be taken off life support Wednesday morning. But they did want one thing from Sam: they wanted to meet him and thank him for helping them understand. That was what the e-mail from Zachariah said. The one from the Garrisons was much more heartfelt, and included such choice sentences as 'we feel that while the hospital administration has been cold and detached from the matters that we have been dealing with, though you have never met us, you communicated to us on a personal level and brought across your concern for our family very well.' It went on to describe how they hoped to meet with him, as well as one of the nurses whom had been working under Hydeker for Callie, and the hospital's grief counsellor, sometime in the next week, to thank them personally for everything that they had done.

It was a little humbling that Sam was included with two individuals who had done everything in their power to preserve their daughter's health and preserve their state of mind, while all he had done was attempt to appeal to their senses. While Callie would be being put to rest the next morning, this was shaping up to be a good day.

There were a few other notices in his inbox: mostly minor disputes, though there was a rather heavy case being proposed, a workplace harassment complaint. It would be better to work on replying to the others and arranging their files together before he responded to that with his recommendations. He was just going to reply to that one when there was a series of rapid knocks on his office door, followed by the low mutters of a voice he knew well, and then...

"Sammy, I know you're in there, open up!"

Dean. And Cas, if the other voice was anything to go by. It just had to figure. Sam pushed away from his desk, walking to the door and opening it, eyebrows raised. "Can I do something for you?"

Dean didn't waste words; instead he reached forward, tugging down Sam's collar. "Huh. Weird. Tessa texted and said that Nancy - that quiet receptionist? - had said she saw you two on the train and that you'd been trying to hide a hickey. I had to know if you'd gotten all your high school out last night and actually had him leave any on you." He crossed his arms, shooting Sam a randy grin. "So, did Sammy have fun last night?"

Cas leaned forward, one hand on Dean's arm. "Perhaps we should continue this conversation in the privacy of Sam's office?"

"That sounds like a good plan," Sam agreed, stepping back and waving them into his office. "You two bailing on work or something?"

"Nah," Dean answered, dropping into one of the two chairs that were sat in front of Sam's desk. "Took an early lunch. Bobby told me to come back with the details. I decided to drag Cas away too, since, well," he grinned at Cas. "He could do with being out of that musty office of his, making lists of people the library needs to shake up for late fines."

"Dean, I have told you before that it is very important that this be done monthly," Castiel said in a voice of one who has scolded a petulant child too many times. "But we're here for Sam," he looked back at the lawyer, leaning against his desk with his arms crossed. "Sam. I take it last night went well?"

Sam couldn't help himself. He broke into a huge grin and nodded. "It was amazing."

"And?" Dean prompted, waving his hand in a motion to indicate Sam continue.

"And..." Sam repeated, eyebrows narrowing while he eyed his brother. "And?"

"He means," Cas cut Dean across. "You two are now...?"

"Oh!" Sam caught on, the grin coming back. "Yeah. We are."

"Say it."

Dean was grinning so wide, in this proud kind of way. It was kind of touching, that he was proud of Sam, even if the reason was a bit bizarre.

"We're together."

"Yes!" Dean was on his feet, fist pumping in seconds. "Come on, Cas, I gotta go read your big bro the riot act."


Two Years Down the Road...

"You were downstairs."

Gabriel didn't even hesitate to turn around and get a glimpse of Sam coming through the door before he spoke. He was laying out on the couch, eyes closed, arms behind his head, clearly having been in the process of attempting to get in a nap. Whether he had or not, Sam didn't know, though he did wince, closing the apartment door, flipping the lock. "You could smell it, huh?"

"Sammy," Gabriel started, sitting up and turning around on the couch, folding his arms on the arm and resting his chin on them. "I can smell that stuff a mile away. You're way too good to me."

Sam toed off his shoes, nudging them into the closet, setting his case and the bag he'd picked up downstairs on the floor to shrug his jacket off. "That's cheating. I don't know what you got me, you should have at least tried to pretend you don't know what I got you."

"Well, I wasn't one hundred percent sure what you had got for me, but you've basically spoiled it now," He beckoned Sam over with a crook of his finger, waiting until Sam had sunk into the couch next to him before he all but climbed into the other's lap, wrapping his arms around Sam's shoulders, kissing him with slow, languid licks over his lips and into his mouth. Sam's hands on his hips slipped back, pressing against the small of his back, purring contentedly into his mouth. When they drew apart they were both smiling in that 'Disney fairytale' way of theirs that always made Dean make fake gagging noises - loudly - if it happened in his presence. Though, really, he couldn't hide his grin, or take back the inevitable clap on Sam's shoulder and 'way to go, Sammy'.

"So that's why you snuck out when I was in the shower after we got back from work?" Gabriel asked, glancing over at the door.

In the two years since that amazing first night, a lot had changed. A year ago, Sam and Gabriel had gotten their own apartment, consolidated their furniture (though they kept Gabriel's bed, there was no getting rid of that thing), and moved in above a specialty chocolatier. It was a gorgeous apartment, and the downstairs neighbours gave Gabriel no end of joy, considering his gargantuan sweet tooth. Dean and Cas, at the same time, had re-signed Cas' lease for his building, though they'd upgraded to an apartment on the 19th floor, apartment 1906, and moved in together. It was the first time Sam and Dean had been apart in their lives, aside from when Sam had been away at law school. At first it had been weird, but a year later, they were sinking into routines, getting used to where they were.

It wasn't like they were alone, either. Castiel was Dean's rock, everything his brother could need and want in a life partner. In Sam's opinion, marriage was just around the corner. Gabriel insisted he could smell nuptials.

And Gabriel? Gabriel was the perfect person for him. Their relationship had been everything that Sam had ever hoped. It wasn't like they didn't have fights or disagreements, or get cold with each other. They did. But they had a tendency to make up fast, to admit their own faults and agree to their blame as laid by the other. And they were good for each other. Sam was all the seriousness that Gabriel didn't like to acknowledge he had a tendency to blow off. And Gabriel was all the humour that Sam didn't let himself dwell in for too long. They were good for each other. And Sam was more than happy, content, more than he'd ever been in any relationship before.

"Yeah. I wanted to book reservations for tonight. And then I went and got you something you aren't going to guess, and you aren't getting until tomorrow when we meet up with Cas and Dean," he ignored the pout that was being laid on thick by the pediatrician perched in his lap. "And then back here to pick you up your damn basket of chocolate."
"You are a saint," Gabriel said, slipping off Sam's lap, creeping towards the chocolatier bag. He shot Sam a questioning look, the pout gone, instead replaced with a set of pleading eyes.

Sam waved his hand, grinning. "Go on. There's something in that bag you aren't expecting."

That had Gabriel hurrying his ass over to the bag, snatching it off the floor and walking back to the couch while digging through it. "Chocolate basket, bundle of bars, oh god, Sam, are these the liquid chocolate balls?" Sam nodded, grinning wide, waiting while Gabriel went through the bag of goodies. "Oh. Oh." Gabriel smirked, pulling out a small box as he sunk onto the couch next to Sam. "Chocolate body paint. We ran out months ago."

"I know," Sam answered, nonchalant. "I figured we should restock. Might make for a nice anniversary night, don't you think? Since we don't have to work tomorrow, being Saturday and all."

Gabriel quietly put the box back in the bag, set the bag down on the floor, and grabbed Sam by the tie, pulling him into a feverish kiss, hands slipping up to card through his hair.

"Happy anniversary," Sam whispered against his lips. It had been two years to the day since Gabriel had made a stupid joke and they'd finally confronted this thing. Two years since thirteen years of yearning had been completed in one perfect night, two years since nine years of holding back had amounted to just one 'yes'. Two years since Cas and Dean had spent the night celebrating their brothers no longer being blind to their desires with a heated night of their own. Two damn years, and Sam couldn't be happier. "I love you."

"Sam Winchester," Gabriel began, pressing another chaste kiss to Sam's lips. "You are a god among lawyers. Happy anniversary. I love you too, kiddo."

sam winchester, dean winchester, minibang, supernatural, au, sabriel minibang, gabriel, castiel

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