(no subject)

Mar 05, 2005 15:18

hey every0ne.. been a while... h0pefuLLy y0u havent deleted me yet!
WeLL things have been g0in g00d f0r me.... i am w0rkin 0n getting my grades up! n0 m0re slacking f0r me!
Things between me and my babii are WONDERFUL... a few things being dealt with but n0thin bad between US just havin t0 d0 with 0ther pe0ple! m0re drama t0 deal with... g0 figure...

I just g0t back fr0m g0in t0 the beach and p00l a lil while ag0 with mii babe, mii chinita, meesha (lil chinita L0L), camil0, and g0rd0... it was fun... i'm w0rkin 0n n0t bein s0 white anym0re l0l. Now i am sittin here waiting f0r mii b0ifriend t0 get here s0 we can leave t0 a wedding i was invited t0. i sh0wered and g0t all dressed up... :-P i just wanted t0 d0 a quik update because i kn0w it has been a while. l0nger update c0min s00n. muahz... d0nt leave me! bye!
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