Jan 16, 2005 13:34
Friday night i didnt w0rk... w00t w00t... s0 me n kathy decided t0 g0 t0 the m0vies... mike ended up g0in with us.. yay... Only 0ne pr0blem! we g0t there and we werent g0nna watch white n0ise b.c. kathy pr0mised laz she w0uldnt see it with0ut him s0 we were g0nna watch darkness but it was s0ld 0ut and then we were g0nna watch c0ach carter but that was s0ld 0ut t00. S0 we walked back t0 0ur cars and decided t0 g0 play p00l at bird b0wl. It was me, kathy, mike, and little mike. It was fun... i can't play p00l at aLL when i'm in a g00d m00d.. l0l... 0nly time i am g00d is when i'm pissed. s0 we played f0r 2 h0urs and then Rey sh0wed up after he g0t 0ff w0rk at mcd0nalds and then laz came and when we were all leavin kathy went with laz and the 0ther rey f0ll0wed the rest 0f us t0 tac0 bell. We just chiLLed there f0r a little while and then i went h0me.
Saturday i had t0 w0rk fr0m 4-11 but since mcd0nalds is s000000 dead all the time n0w the manager let me 0ut at like 10:15.. w00t w00t. S0 mike and alexis had caLLed me b.c. mike wanted me t0 g0 chiLL at maxxs h0use after w0rk. s0 as i was passin by t0 g0 h0me they were all 0utside s0 i said hi went h0me changed and came back. We then had t0 leave maxxs h0use and we all went t0 alexis' h0use. It was just chiLLin but c00l. The pe0ple i was with are hilari0us. Then we went t0 mikes h0use s0 every0ne c0uld eat... ((mind u it was alreadii like 1 in the m0rning and here c0mes like 6 teenagers int0 their backyard.. l0l)) I met his parents and they are s0 str8! Super nice. ((by the way he talked t0 my m0m 0n the ph0ne fr0m bird b0wl... l0l)) S0 at 2 my m0m called and was like 0k c0me h0me.. s0 i went t0 tac0 beLL t0 get her the f00d she wanted and then came h0me. She started t0 ask me ab0ut mike and i was just tellin her ab0ut him and she wants t0 meet him like really s00n. I t0ld her she w0uld either meet him t0dai 0r t0m0rr0w. WeLL n0w i'm 0ff because i g0tta get readii f0r w0rk... 3-10 t0night.. ugh.. l0l... 0k muahz bie every0ne