
Jan 04, 2005 15:26

Hi guiiz!!! WeLL i did it! i g0t my tatt00 :-).... wh0ever said it d0esnt hurt is a liar l0l... it hurts! weLL its s0 pretty... i have s0me pics i t00k 0f it t0dai :-) i l0ve it. My friends came and watched it was Kathy, Jorge, Cristina, Gaby, Eddy, and Mike and 0f c0urse my m0mmi! it was str8...

on a sadder n0te... my friends dad passed away yesterdai at 3 in the m0rning in his sleep 0f a massive heart attack! May he Rest In Peace. I have the viewing t0 g0 t0 t0dai. I h0pe that he is d0in 0k... he's a str0ng guy and he was h0ldin up pretty g00d yesterdai... he g0t upset a few times but his friends kept him laughin. We stayed with him f0r a while and they were with him bef0re i g0t there and after i left!

Mr. Garcia



WeLL thats al guiiz... heres the pics 0f my tatt00.. muahz!

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