Dec 12, 2004 03:16
hi guiiz... it has been a while but i'm g0nna TRY and make this as sh0rty as p0ssible.... weLL basically i have been TRYING t0 catch up in sch00l. I met a guy that is 18. He graduated fr0m c0ral park last year and is a baseball player and b0xer. He is a cutie. s0 last nite we were g0nna g0 0ut and my m0m was like.. n0 i am meeting him first... s0 he g0t t0 my h0use at like 11:30 with his c0usin ((cuz he just g0t 0ut 0f a baseball game at like 10:30)) and starts talking t0 my m0m... First she asked his name and then his age... then his birthdai t0 verify his age was 18 and then asked f0r his license t0 0nce again verify l0l... at the end 0f her c0nv0 with him she bluntly sais "if y0u fuck ar0und 0n my daughter i will kill y0u!" s0 i was like w0nderful l0l and i was laughing. My m0m is a very blunt pers0n. S0 me him n chinita went 0ut and chilled then later we went t0 T0g0s t0 see tigger wh0 i l0ve! l0l... she h00ked us up really g00d. s0 after that we left and i went t0 my chinitas h0use t0 spend the night. We g0t t0 her h0use at like 3 i think and 0f c0urse i had n0 battery and n0 charger. l0l. S0 w.e. i went t0 sleep and me and her didnt wake up until 4 p.m. Mind y0u that we were supp0sed t0 g0 t0 a car sh0w that started at 5 l0l. S0 i g0t int0 the sh0wer and g0t dressed. Called up that guy t0 see if he was g0in and he didnt answer... 0h well what a shame l0l. Then i left t0 my h0use t0 find s0methin t0 wear and g0 t0 Davids s0 i c0uld f0ll0w him there. I ended up just g0in in the car with him and leaving my car at his h0use. It was me, sh0rty, fernie, david and elena in the car. We g0t there at like 6 i think and it was awes0me!! my first car sh0w. after we left there we all went t0 dennys because n0ne 0f us had eaten. We pretended it was sh0rtyz birthday because she wanted cheesecake l0l. We were the l0udest pe0ple in the entire restaurant. After that david t00k me t0 his h0use s0 me and sh0rty c0uld get 0ut cars. i went t0 visit my hunni Migue at his crib. His br0 and 2 0f his br0thers friends were there. it was hilari0us. Then i came h0me and n0w i am just chillin :-). here are s0me pics 0f t0nite. G00dnight... besit0z