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Dec 02, 2004 22:49


i just g0t 0ff 0f w0rk at 11 and i am extremely tired. I didnt even get t0 sch00l until like 10:30 t0dai because i was exhausted. I went t0 sleep at 2 in the m0rning because 0f fighting with my ex ((yea we ended up 0n the ph0ne even after we said bye)) and helpin my m0m c00k. After last nights fight i highly d0ubt we will ever speak again. I t0ld him t0 erase my # and f0rget every mem0ry he ever had 0f me. My sec0nd peri0d teacher had s0me girl call me t0dai t0 find 0ut why i wasnt in sch00l. Basically t0ld me that i am behind and all this crap. W.E. lunch was chiLLin.. n0thin big. Went t0 w0rk at 3 t0dai and was tired as heLL... w0rked with my hunniez: Elena, Fernie, and David. :-) g0tta l0ve them. My m0m left f0r ft. liqu0rdale t0dai and will be back t0 get me 0n saturdai m0rnin. I am 0fficially w0rkin f0r s0me ladii at the event 0n sunday. h0pefully makin $10 an h0ur again this year. i still have n0 idea what i am g0ing t0 d0 t0m0rr0w but w.e. i will figure it 0ut. I am sittin here waiting f0r my l0ca Kathy t0 get here cuz she is stayin the night since my m0m and stepdad left. That is basically all that happened t0dai. bie bie besit0s!
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