Mar 27, 2005 23:01
w0w... i cant believe its 0ver! spring break ends 0fficially in 1 h0ur and 5 minutes... :-/ i think i c0uld cry fr0m the th0ughts 0f sch00l LoL... WeLL my spring break was g00d! i definitely had fun! my friends are w0nderful... i l0ve my babe m0re and m0re each day... and i'm readii t0 w0rk harder this 9 weeks! i have n0 pictures fr0m spring break but thats 0k! i have mem0ries! :-) my spring break m0stly c0nsisted 0f... the beach, driving ar0und, being with my china and my babii EVERY DAY :-), and making new friends that i wasnt s0 crazy ab0ut at first. I've learned a l0t this past week ab0ut s0me pe0ple, wh0 they really are, and wh0 y0u can really trust. I've th0ught ab0ut the end 0f this year and the beginning 0f next year a l0t lately. My m0m decided that when i graduate she is m0ving up t0 n0rth fl0rida and i havent figured 0ut whether i am g0in with her 0r n0t. She wants me t0 but i d0nt want t0 leave miami. I l0ve it here. I have my dad, my b0ifriend (g0d willing we are still t0gether then!!), and mii friends (especiaLLy mii best friend). i talked ab0ut it a little bit with mii b0ifriend last nite. We b0th g0t kind 0f :-/ ab0ut it. He d0esnt like t0 think ab0ut it because it c0uld mean him l0sin me! :-( WeLL the way it l00ks rite n0w i d0ubt that i will be leaving miami. weLL i am 0ut f0r the nite! Sch00l t0m0rr0w! muahz! bye!
<3 Shauntii