Mar 24, 2011 16:51

Damn since last week I went out of town for my cousin's wedding and I missed lot of ...let me repeat that A LOT OF KYUMIN FICS
and now I'm confused which one should I read first....

veezhi  megmil12  nocturndreamer  and  takara_hoshi93  all of them updated their fics and even megmil12  updated two chapters and left me a spot...I feel so guilty T____T

my other fave author benniot_91  and mishapantiness  started their new chapter fics  
rssj1314  zaboomafoo76 mysapphiresky  as well as eotteokelove  also post their new kyumin oneshot

and the worst part is I'm too goddamn tired right preparation and ten hours trip are not easy for sure 
Sorry for all of my friends I haven't comment on your fics and especially for them who gave me spot...
but no worries I'll comment all of you on this weekend just let me recharge my self with my sleeping beauty first 


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