A Few Questions for a Monday Morning

Sep 24, 2007 11:07

These are the things that keep me occupied on Metro...

What disease did cured ham have?

Why do we say we "slept like a baby" when babies wake up every 2 hours?

Why do alarm clocks "go off" when they start making noise?

Instead of "All things in moderation," shouldn't it be "Some things in moderation?"

Why do we yell "Heads up" when we should be yelling "Heads down!"

When French people swear, do they say, "Pardon my English?"

Why do we call the people that is in charge of everything outdoors the Department of the Interior?

Why are they called marbles when they are actually made out of glass?

What color hair do bald men put on the driver's license?

If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, then why practice?

Why do we put our suits in a garment bag and our garments in a suitcase?

When 2 planes or cars almost collide, why is it a "near miss"? Shouldn't it be a "near hit"?

How can something be both "new" & "improved"?

How did the "Keep Off the Grass" sign get there in the first place?

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