Wankage: Just rude...and it's not me....this time...

Jun 17, 2006 00:31

I meant to immortalize this on my LJ when it happened but I got busy with RL and forgot until now.  So here it is....

This was originally in response to an LJ post on 
sw_fanvids by 
used2bvader found here.

This has nothing to do with your post...as such...but for long posts such as this, would you please put it behind an LJ CUT.

Makes access via my mobile much easier.

Thanks muchly!
Their reply was: thanks for that thoughtful and most eloquent and relevant post.

ms_3m, while I have only been here since February, and am by no means an expert on this community, the only posts I have ever seen by you are to complain about the length of the posts and its affect on your browsing thumb. Not 1 post about how you liked or didn't like a video, or even contributing something relevant. So why are you here reading? Never seen a Fan vid from you..... SO AS TO YOU EVER SO POLITELY WORDED RANT
erm..no. sorry aint gonna do it.

maybe you should use your phone for a......phone....
this Community is about VIDEOS that you couldn't possibly watch on your little phone, so why read the Com on one?

I am so sick of everyone thinking the world need to conform to what THEY want cause they are Special.

This is not so much about YOU specifically 
ms_3m as the people who constantly complain that others are making it HARD on them.
So, the question is this.....how old chronologically do you think this person is?  Mental age . . . I place him (I think it's a him, not a her) at about eight years old.  But it could be a girl.  But then again...do I really give a flying flip?  NO

Very shortly after his response hit my mailbox, I divested myself of this comm.  I don't miss it.  Not sure why I kept it around for so long.  Oh yeah, it was so I could announce the ONE SW FANVID THAT I MADE.  Yeah, that's the reason.  I guess that person conveniently missed my post or maybe it's because Ani/Padme/Britney squicked him so he just went blind and missed my vid announcement.  That sounds like a reasonable excuse.

And he says that his response is not directed specifically at ME????  WTF.

For those that know me and my lifestyle, a lot of the time, the only way I can be connected to the net is via my trusty cell phone.  So for all those inconsiderate twits, twats and nits out there, (
the_muppet - this does not include you), learn to use an LJ cut.  I'm not the only one that likes them . . . why do you think the html code was developed to begin with?????  I'm also generous enough to give you some credit, if you're smart enough to make a vid, you can learn how to use an LJ cut.

BUT in consolation to myself because my feelings have been so eloquently slammed (yeah, right)....there is chocolate to eat and other comms and LJs that are more worthy of my attention, limited free time...and battery life.

Oh yes, my mother taught me that if I cannot say something nice, then don't say anything.    Also, if I were to write some concrit about a vid, I would probably get flamed for not fawning over the creative endeavor.  So it goes to the old adage:  Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


This rant is now over.  Thank you for joining me.   Back to your regularly scheduled programming.


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