State of me...and it isn't pretty....

Apr 06, 2006 23:24

The tax man cometh and the money goeth. I just wrote out checks today for taxes due, estimated quarterly tax payment, SEP contribution and Roth IRA contribution. Signed my 1040 form. Addressed envelopes, stuck stamps and made out my certified/return receipt forms. And ditto the same for honeybunny. But like my dad used to always tell me, you don't pay taxes if you didn't make the money. Hmmmm....but sheesh...enough is enough.

I was soooo irritated today I could have spit nails...and it wasn't from the tax situation. It is a long rant suffice it to say. In a nutshell, the primary financial partner of our company, who thinks he knows what is best for us, but really doesn't and is VERY.SLOWLY.REALIZING.IT did it too us/me again. Not good decisions made. Stupid ones if you ask me. But I could go on and on and just get upset again. So I think I won't.

The bright point in my day...listening to the idiot Cynthia McKinney (D-Georgia) on the news and seeing how much bigger of an ass she can make of herself. Maybe if she holds her breath, all the hot air inside her will expand and she'll explode. I don't think we will be so lucky. Darn.

And the UN...why do they have to occupy prime real estate space in the United States? And why does the US foot almost 25% of the total annual bill? And why wouldn't the ambassadors vote to spend an obnoxious amount of money to renovate the building? It's not their money. Not that I like The Donald...but he said they are either incompetent or corrupt...I think both shoes fit...and very well.

I could probably go on and on, but reading a nice piece of smut would be a much nicer way to kill off a few brain cells.

Edited: One other bright point...well, it actually happened yesterday...I booked my airline ticket to Creation Con Chicago. Hotel has been booked for a while. Now...just need to get bri's finances in order so we can buy our tickets concurrently and we should be set!

state of me

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