An Open Letter to valarltd

Aug 04, 2005 18:31

Broken record; same song - second, third, fourth verse; limited vocabulary...pick the shoe that have two feet.

While azonia is more than capable of taking up for herself (and she responded admirably I might add), I couldn't let this post pass without contributing my cents/pence/ruble or whatever currency is currently being exchanged....however late it may be.

valarltd's original comment posted on SW_Fanvids can be found here: . And this is what is prompting this little mini-rant (of which I haven't pitched one in quiet a while...I need the catharsis.)

As quoted from valarltd:
~ and trying to maintain my balance as the floor pitched alarmingly under my feet ~

valarltd... seems like you may have an inner ear problem. May I suggest that you get checked out by an otorhinolaryngologist? It might help before you fall on what I am sure is a lovely ass.

Hmmmm, or would that happen to be your face? Same thing???

But I get back on point...
What is your vendetta against azonia and by association with ~ ME ~ as Whisper was contributed to greatly by me as both her beta and creative consultant. This vid happens to have more than a few of my fingerprints on it.

While everyone is entitled to their opinions, you included, it seems in the case of Whisper you are a singular guppy swimming upstream against the tide of popular opinion that supports the EDITING and STORYTELLING skills exhibited in this vid by azonia.

If I were to put a label on the whole situation, I would say you are jealous and I select that word for all the negative implications and definitions attributed to it.

I would also surmise that you are not very old either in age and/or maturity. Your various postings contain no constructive comments as would be put forth by a thoughtful, considered mature person, regardless of their age. And the 'positive' comment you did post very early on was couched in a very negative, back-door sort of manner. What I hear in my head when I read your comments is a very high-pitched, whinny voice. And it's not very pleasing.

In closing, may I suggest that you, at a minimum, creatively grow up. Strive to become better and get ahead by achievement rather than knocking someone else down to make yourself seem taller. When achieving heights by these means, only YOU feel tall. Others will continue to see you for what you truly are....a small, petty person with little or no talent.

End of rant. Thank you for helping me feel ever so much better. :D

Added 5 August:
And for 'the sake of completeness', let me add that you don't seem to have the ability to stay on point. Referring back to a posting recommending Azonia's My Hero? (Holding Out for A Hero BY FROU FROU is the song title, not the vid title), you still managed to work in your dislike for Azonia's vidding efforts and the music of Evanescence. You have the uncanny ability and talent of being able to dance on a pinhead. Were I so talented I might have to put myself on a pedestal. But alas, I needn't fear falling on my truly cute ass.

waw, rantage

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