Obama's detour to see grandma? ^^

Oct 22, 2008 18:06

I should have posted this on Tuesday when I was initially reacting to the news, but since it's still on my mind I'll comment now.

BO's grandmother (who resides in Hawaii) is reported to be 'death-bed ill' according to the mainstream news media.  This was announced on Tuesday.  It was also reported that BO was going suspend his campaign to fly on Thursday to go see her. 
"The biggest mistake I made was not being at my mother's bedside
when she died," Obama said in 2004. "I didn't get there in time."
Now my question/s is this....what was so darn important on Wednesday (or even Tuesday evening) that BO could not cancel and hop on a plane and immediately go see her?  This was the woman that helped rear him and was an important influence during his formative years (even though he did make her part of this whole race issue.)

We're talking at a bare minimum eleven hour commercial flight (Florida to Hawaii) with no stops or delays or headwinds.  And he is then going to fly back on Saturday to resume his campaign.   Great lot of time to spend with his gravely ill grandmother.

But it seems grandma is not so much in the news today as she was on Tuesday.  And today, what I do hear about BO traveling to Hawaii has nothing to do with seeing his grandma but relates back to an earlier post I made about a particular document.

It's never boring.


Updated:  I just discovered that Andy Martin has filed a lawsuit in Hawaii regarding this particular document.  Second one and counting!  (H/T)


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