DNC: The BIG Day

Aug 28, 2008 20:58

Yes, it is an historic day.  I'll give in to that.  But personally, if the glass ceiling was going to be broken by some person of color, I would rather have seen Michael S. Steele or J.C. Watts be the one(s) to do it.  Not that I particularly agree with all their positions, but I'm closer to being on the same planet with them than I am with Barack.   Oh well.  Too late.  Everything in life is timing.  Right?

~ 9.11ish And He strolled.  Yes!  A Rock Star.  A well deserved title.
~ What is with that intro music?
~ Okay.  Just start talking.  The crowd will eventually hush.
~ 9.14ish See.
~ Ahhhh.  He is going with that very deliberating
~ No camera pan to Hillary?  Definitely no pan to Bill....like Elvis, he's left the building.
~ Oh gag me.  Not close enough to do the knuckle bump eh?
~ 9.17 Finally.  Getting to the nuts and bolts, or not.
~ Hmmm.  I don't think the founding fathers intended that we live in a nanny state.
~ He keeps re-hashing items that have already been refuted when he stated them earlier. 
~ Oh change!
~ 90% is not an accurate number to be using.  Skew!  A majority of those items passed were passed unanimously and included things like naming a ship.
~ 40% of families don't pay taxes.  They are recipients not payers.
~ Again, someone that has not looked at the latest stats/reports....produced by that same non-partisan office that produced the 'good' stats during Clinton's reign.
~ So.  My parents gave up lots of stuff for my sister and me.  Lots of parents do that for their kids.  His family doesn't own that 'sacrifice'.
~ Oh Promise!
~ Yes, Barack...then how did you get to where you are?
~ Oh Promise!  And Change!
~ And Change! 
~ I can't see some 'small' company have the resources to do the major research like a larger company can.  I wonder what constitutes 'small'.
~ Spit it out Barry.  You lost your train of thought.
~ Well, bottle the hot air coming out of Barry and it might be a new form of energy.
~ Yes.  Affirmative Action at its best.
~ And where is all this money going to come from to pay educators?  Get rid of the union?   I guess that means more taxes.
~ And how is health care going to be given to everyone?  More taxes?
~ I wonder how much all this is going to cost.  Good thing we are getting out of the work force pretty soon.
~ Ahhhh.  Line item veto.  No mention of getting rid of earmarks.
~ 9.40 Personal and Family responsibility.  This is one of the first things you've said that makes sense.
~ Okay.  Now you're ready for a debate.  Be careful what you ask for.
~ OBL....so we are supposed to go bomb Pakistan?
~ I would like to see the report on the Iraqi budget surplus.  Google time.
~ Oh Change!
~ You will talk everyone to death first.  Make love, not war.
~ And how will you deal with Iran and Russia?  More talk?
~ 9:45  This last statement didn't quiet make sense.  Sounded good, but no sense.
~ Ah Debate!
~ Ah Change!
~ So now you love our military.
~ Common purpose?  And that is?
~ Guns?  The US Supreme Court has already made its pronouncement.  Move along.
~ As it has been said, actions speak louder than words.  Problem is, Barry.... you don't have a record of action to speak for you.  It's called Inexperience.
~ Ah Race!
~ Oh course it's been about you Barry.  What's that word....transference?
~ Ah Change!
~ Ah Change!
~ Ah Change!
~ Yes, you've seen other people vote for things that you just voted 'present' on....taken no position.
~ Yes, because we work our asses off for what we can individually achieve for ourselves! not to be given to a socialist, welfare state.
~ Barry, you're preaching.  Might be another career for you?
~ 'We cannot walk alone.'  What does that mean?
~ God Bless America.  Amen.

Oh dear.  If I really cared, that speech needs to be read through.  Parts of it just lost me. 
Wimpy fireworks.  Did the DNC run out of money?  The confetti and streamers are pretty. Okay, there's the rest of the fireworks and confetti.   I wonder if all the confetti is bio-degradable?  They are making big claims of being 'green'.

Slight change of topic...seeing Mrs. Biden...I could swear I saw Barry kiss her on the mouth in an earlier clip.  Hmmmm.

So bottom line.  Eight years might have been enough with Bush (here is a brief history) , but for me, one day is too much with Barry.

obamamania, dems, politics

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