Mini-rantage or How I cannot keep up with my telly viewing schedule

Apr 25, 2008 10:04

I was just taking a quick look at my 'daily flist' postings and noted a comment on 
the_muppets's post, that Moonlight is starting back up again this evening.   Which brings to mind....why I'm mildly irritated when I watch the telly lately.

The fricken television stations keep changing the lineup on me.  Channels.  Times.  I can't keep up.  I need to make another flow chart and remap my Tivo/VCR shows.  Right now, I'm not sure what is going to be taped or missed due to hierarchy rankings on my Tivo.

I guess one of my chores this weekend is to do this so I can shift around what tapes where and when.  [When  I could be mindlessly watching last years stuff that is moldering on the Tivo HD so I can delete and move on.]

If Tivo would still offer lifetime subscriptions, I would seriously think about getting a second one.  But paying a monthly fee from now to whenever does not appeal.  In fact, it truly pisses me off that I have to pay a monthly fee for my digital converter box.

In a fit of full disclosure....I have yet to watch Moonlight.  I guess I'm archiving it until I'm totally bored out of my mind and have nothing to watch.  [Even though I hear that it is an excellent show.]

Okay.  Honeybunny just called to say he's down stairs to pick me up.



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