Ulead MSP Transition plug-ins

Sep 30, 2006 09:01

Download complete trasitions package from HERE.
The site says that these Ulead-plugins are fully compatible with the new Version 8.0 and earlier.

Instructions for Installing in Ulead:
~ Make sure the application is not running.
~ Place all the vfx files into the vfx_plug folder of your Ulead application installation (e.g. 'C:\Program Files\Ulead Systems\Ulead VideoStudio 8.0\vfx_plug').
~ Restart the application.

Installing in Premier:  Close application.  Place all of the transition files in 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Premiere 6.x\Plug-ins' and restart.

 Transition Airport
Simulation of a mechanical display panel with falling tiles, like on airports.

Transition Bloom Partial bloom or crossfade that follows a direction.

Transition Bubble As scene B grows as a bubble out of the screens center, scene A will be displaced. Effect is reversible.

Transition BW Flash Scene A fade out to black, then scene B fades in from black to a certain degree of white and back to scene B.

Transition Chars Falling characters, similar to the trailer of the motion-picture 'Matrix'.

Transition Colors While scene A is still visible, the three color channels of scene B start 'dancing' around scene A until they meet in the middle of the screen to veil scene A. Effect is reversible.

Transition Crossfade Just a simple crossfade.

Transition Curtain Scene A becomes a curtain that opens from center to left and right border, to unveil scene B in the background.

Transition Cuboids II Scene A gets divided into various equal, 3d-rendered cuboids. The cuboids start to rotate/move in various ways (according to option settings) until the backside with scene B shows up.

Transition Dream While scene softly blends from A to B, the lines are shifted along the x-axis, based on a sinus-function.

Transition Firestorm Dedects edges within scene A and B. Uses those edges as hotspots for rendering fire. Flames are rising up until they fill the whole screen. While screen is covered by flames, scene switches from A to B and flames are going down again.

Transition Logo Any monochrome bitmapfile may be used as mask to split scene A and B into back- and foreground-tiles. The tiles move/rotate in different ways through 3d-space to unveil/veil the other scene.

Transition Marbles Scene A turns into an aligned array of semitransparent, 3d-shaped marbles. Marbles start moving from surface towards viewer, until they vanish behind the viewer.

Transition Mosaic Scene A gets split into small unicolored tiles. Tiles getting bigger until a single tile fills the screen. Then, scene switches from A to B and tiles getting smaller again.

Transition Radar Simulates look and feel of flight-controls radar-screen.

Transition Rays While grighter areas of scene A become transparent, rays of light of a fictive light source behind scene A are shining through those transparent areas. The amount of light increases until scene A is completly covered by the color of light. While covered, scene switches from A to B and effect reverses.

Transition Shaft Several thin slices of scene B comming from lower right, moving to upper left. While doing so, the thin slices getting wider until the whole scene A is covered by scene B.

Transition Spiral Scene A starts to transform to a spiral. While doing so, scene softly blends from A to B and Spiral unfolds again to a proper form

Transition Twister Like a flexible Tape, scene A gets twisted along its vertical axis until the backside with scene B turns to the front.

Transition Waves Scene B comes in circular waves out of the middle of Scene A.

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