(no subject)

Jan 08, 2007 20:29

I am glad to be back in Bellingham at my apartment and soo glad to have my car back. I really missed being able to just drive somewhere when I wanted to. I slept in really late today (until almost 2pm). After being up for over 36 hours and spending 14 hours on a train, I really needed to sleep.

The trip went fairly well. The night that i was taking off, I went into Spokane to hang out with friends. My parents dropped me off in CDA, and kateartichoke and I drove into spokane to starmiranda's house. it was fun. he watched some bits of Fry and Laurie (ha. i am such a loser and couldn't resist that pun) and laughed. Kate went home, and then Miranda and I picked up fleeboy. We went to the Satelite and had food and laughs and great times, despite the really loud, annoying music. After that, we headed over to the train station which was fun. A couple pics from there under the cut at the end. I miss being near all of my friends. Everyone should come visit. After Miranda and Pete left, I read the new 400 Words that Miranda gave me (which was really awesome! I think everyone would enjoy it) and listened to music for a while. I did a little bit of writing. just some observations..not really organized enough to be poetry, but I thought I would share. They are also under the cut at the end.

I couldn't sleep on the train at all. I finally gave up on sleeping and did some reading. The guy sitting next to me was really angry (apparently someone stole his ipod, so I can understand his anger). We did end up talking some, and he turned out to be fairly interesting. he is a student at Evergreen.

I made it to Pdx in one piece but feeling sort of blah. It was pouring down rain. Had lunch and went to Powells. I bought Postmodern Pooh, and I read it on the trip up. I actually really liked it. Even though the essays are satire and comical, they were all really sort of interesting to look at. Even though the book sort of makes fun of modern lit criticism (my love), I think that the book really points out the danger of only looking at one critical perspective. The reason that I love literary criticism so much is that there there are so many different ideas and critiques that can come from one text. I love to read essays that focus on all sorts of different things. I think there is value in all of them. I think the idea that one form of criticism is better than another is rediculous.

Today, I haven't done anything too exciting. I did have my hair cut, i guess (pics under the cut). I really like the hair cut. The lady that cut my hair made me feel bad about myself, though. sigh. She made several comments about how hard it was to turn the chair with me in it which made me feel really fat and huge. I get shakey when I am nervous and she mentioned that alot. I dont know. I just felt really self conscious. I know that she didn't mean to hurt me, but it did, sort of.

Anways. that is about it. Love to all.

This is just some random stuff i wrote sitting at the train station in spokane.

Wish I could be that person
the one who talks to strangers
and leaves with an email or phone number.
I look at those people.
I see small, fractional parts of them.
The music on my ipod feels like some strange soundtrack
to a movie that has no dialogue, only images.

I see a mother.
She takes pictures of her daughter.
I wonder if I am in any of them.
A stranger. Lost in the background of a going away picture forever.

Trains leave in the middle of the night.
Haggard passengers up later than they are supposed to be sit yawning.
tired eyes
long novels on laps
I wonder if they read the books they bring.
Train stations are from another time period.
Ancient benches.
no security.
tired people waiting for their night journey.


Pete and Miranda looking oh so cute!!!

Almost the three of us

A few of me after my haircut.

books, theory, writing, travel, lit, pics, friends

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